Some Unsolicited Advice


As a recent graduate and twenty-something myself, it can get pretty tiring wading through the endless stream of advice. I’m sure that we are all tired of hearing about how millenials are doomed to lives of debt, unhappiness, and existential crises borne of our crippling narcissism. However, as frustrating as about 90% of the articles out there are, a few do offer valid insight and advice. Here are a two that have recently caught my attention, both by Jason Nazar, Founder of Docstoc:

1.  “20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don’t Get”

I’m not going to lie, I did not love this title. It struck me as being rather condescending, and to be honest, the article carried this tone even past the title line. However, once you get past the tone, the author does make some good points. Not every item on the list will be applicable across sectors, but many (such as reading instead of constantly tweeting or watching television, or brushing up on technical chops to make yourself more marketable) are great for any one looking for a job or just getting started in a career.

2. Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs

This article was written three years ago and yet remains relevant. Though the article is supposedly written “for entrepreneurs,” anyone who is uncomfortable networking, or even just not getting the desired results from networking should read this article. Despite being written by the same author as “2o Things,” this article is far less likely to put someone immediately on the defensive. Perhaps this is because concern trolling millenials was not quite at the fever pitch that it is today, but I digress. Networking is one of those things like LinkdIn in my opinion, everyone knows they should be doing it, but no one quite knows how. Nazar’s observation of how networking events tend to devolve into “a junior high playground where the 3 people that know each other stay huddled in a corner, wondering why the other kids are having more fun,” struck me as scarily accurate. I also wanted desperately to stop being one of those three people huddling together and learn how to harness this power of networking everyone seems to be talking about. After reading this article, I became inspired to dig out some of the old business cards I had collected throughout the past months and get to some “meaningful relationship building.”

Feeling inspired after reading these articles? Want to see more features like this? Sound off in the comments below!

Jelisa Adair

I am the Civic Engagement Fellow for 2013-2014. While a student at Wesleyan I double majored in Psychology and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and completed a joint thesis during my senior year. I am interested in issues of social justice, mental health, media, and global welfare.