Hey future educators! Green Street Arts Center and Project to Increase Mastery of Mathematics and Science in collaboration with the State Education Resource Center is presenting their first Common Core Workshop. This two-day conference (October 11 and November 15) is a way to learn more about the Common Core State Standards. There is room for six students for this conference and for these six students, the registration fees will be waived.
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) represent a significant shift in the teaching of
mathematics. The CCSS focus on higher-order thinking skills that teachers must continuously
address in their instruction. The Standards for Mathematical Practice (Practices) are the vehicle
meant to drive this change to deep understanding in addition to mathematical proficiency.
In this two-day session, participants will explore the eight Practices and discover what they
look like at each grade level. They will learn to apply instructional strategies that support the
practices and how to connect the Practices with the Mathematical Content Standards. The
session will also offer resources from the Connecticut State Department of Education and other
sources that demonstrate the use of these best practices.
On day two, participants will bring a unit from their own curriculum. They will work
collaboratively on adapting their lessons to incorporate the Practices into instruction.
By understanding the eight Practices and integrating them into the classroom, teachers will
find multiple opportunities to individualize instruction. This can allow all learners access to the
standards to develop both mathematical proficiency and the higher-order thinking skills
embedded in the CCSS.
For more information about this conference, please contact Sara MacSorley at smacsorley@wesleyan.edu