Here is a message from the Office of Community Service’s own Jalen Alexander:

For the past two years I have served as the student representative on the MLK Celebration Committee. We plan an annual campus-wide day of programs and workshops, concluding with a Keynote address in Memorial Chapel, commemorating the life of Martin Luther King Jr., including his multiple visits to Wesleyan’s campus.

For the past two years I have served as the student representative on the MLK Celebration Committee. We plan an annual campus-wide day of programs and workshops, concluding with a Keynote address in Memorial Chapel, commemorating the life of Martin Luther King Jr., including his multiple visits to Wesleyan’s campus.
This year we’re looking to open the committee to TWO new student representatives, one sophomore and one junior. Serving on the committee is a great way to work with some of the biggest names in the administration here at Wes. You’re also doing amazing work that will effect the entire campus community.
Last year we were able to host 8 amazing workshops led by Wesleyan students, faculty, and staff members, with a keynote address from Shakti Butler. This is a great time to join the committee, as each year the event just gets bigger and bigger! This year we will have even more workshops during the day and a Keynote address from Tim Wise (Bio Here:
Think You’re Interested!? Apply Here:
Specific details for the positions are listed on the application page; you are required to submit a statement of interest and a one-page resume. Of course if you have any questions, or need clarification, feel free to shoot me an email (