Tim Devane ’09 on a “Different Kind of Alumni Donation”

boldWhat do you think of when you hear the words “alumni donation”? If you are a recent graduate who has started receiving mail about the Wesleyan Fund, you are most likely thinking about the ways to financially donate to Wesleyan. However, recent alum Tim Devane ’09 shares a different concept of alumni giving in a chapter of “Bold: Get Noticed, Get Hired” on alumni giving entitled, “A Different Kind of Alumni Donation.”

In this chapter, Devane relates his story of moving to New York during the height of the economic downturn and how networking helped him find a path in entrepreneurship. His story shows that even those of us who may not feel able to give back to Wesleyan financially, we can give back through meeting with one another and trying to provide networks of support. From emailing multiple contacts, to face-to-face meetings, and persistent follow-ups, Devane was eventually able to land a job as the tenth employee at Bit.ly, a link shortening and tracking service. So where might your alumni contacts take you? And how can you help others achieve their dreams? Remember to give back to those who make Wesleyan what it is by answering networking emails and sending a few yourself.


To learn more about “Bold: Get Noticed, Get Hired,” visit their website here.

Jelisa Adair

I am the Civic Engagement Fellow for 2013-2014. While a student at Wesleyan I double majored in Psychology and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and completed a joint thesis during my senior year. I am interested in issues of social justice, mental health, media, and global welfare. 
