Upcoming Deadlines at the Career Center: Lawyers for Children, Bronx Defenders, and Brighter Dawns

lfcForensic Social Work Intern, Lawyers for Children: Lawyers For Children (LFC) is one of the leading, not-for-profit organizations in New York City dedicated to protecting the legal rights of children whose parents or guardians have placed them into foster care, and who are the subjects of abuse, neglect, termination of parental rights, adoption, paternity, family offense, custody and visitation proceedings. LFC employs an innovative multi-disciplinary approach to child advocacy, pairing an attorney and a social worker with extensive experience to represent over 3,000 young people every year. (Deadline: Tuesday, February 4)


bronxdefendersInvestigator Interns, Bronx Defenders: The Bronx Defenders’ Summer Investigative Internship pairs undergraduates interested in criminal justice with staff investigators who work alongside attorneys and advocates to defend persons accused of crimes in the Bronx. Broadly speaking, investigators find evidence that assist in the defense of our clients in court. The primary duty of the investigator is to locate, interview and take detailed statements from prosecution witnesses who are accusing our clients of committing a crime, as well as, those who may otherwise be witnesses. Other investigative duties include locating favorable defense witnesses, performing criminal background investigation, drafting and serving subpoenas, photographing and diagramming crime scenes, preparing courtroom exhibits, writing memoranda regarding investigative steps and results, and assisting with case development. Summer interns will be given misdemeanor cases to work on and will be responsible, like any staff investigator, for doing a thorough and thoughtful investigation. (Deadline: Friday, February 28)


BrighterDawnsStudent Fellow, Brighter Dawns: Brighter Dawns is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to resolving health issues in slum communities in South Asia. Our current goal is to improve health and quality of life for residents of Ward 12, an urban slum in Khalishpur, Bangladesh. Our current project addresses clean water access and lack of sanitation by repairing and maintaining tube wells and sanitary latrines, as well as holding health seminars to teach women and schoolchildren the importance of basic sanitary practices such as hand-washing. Brighter Dawns’ Fellowship Program allows students to grow and learn in a hands-on experience with a global health nonprofit organization. This fellowship is open to undergraduate or graduate students. Previous projects have included literature reviews and exploring the drivers of high levels of waterborne illnesses. (Deadline: Tuesday, February 4)



Jelisa Adair

I am the Civic Engagement Fellow for 2013-2014. While a student at Wesleyan I double majored in Psychology and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and completed a joint thesis during my senior year. I am interested in issues of social justice, mental health, media, and global welfare. 
