Earth Month 2014 at Wesleyan

earthdayApril is Earth Month at Wesleyan, and the Sustainability Office has events all month long! Here is a sampling of the events we are most excited for, but remember to check the Sustainability website for a full calendar.

WILD Wes Workday: Head down to the WestCo Courtyard or Butterfields Courtyard to help WILD Wes get ready for spring. (Saturday, April 5; 1-4p)

Sustainability Careers Panel: Thinking about a sustainability-related career?  Come hear about different options available to you at this panel discussion, co-sponsored by the Sustainability Office and Career Center.  The panelists will include Jiff Martin, Sustainable Food System Associate Educator at the University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension, Eban Goodstein, Director of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, and Prof. of Earth Science Joop Varekamp.  (Tuesday, April 8; 4:15p in Allbritton 004)

Climate Justice Conference of SolutionsMuch of the conversation around climate change is dominated by the narrative of “doom-and-gloom.” The Climate Justice Conference of Solutions will focus on ways to put us on the path towards a better future. The conference will have panels focused on solutions to our climate and energy challenges, the co-benefits of climate action, and on-the-ground accounts of solutions in action. Registration is open now through March 31st.

Co-hosted by: College of the Environment, Wesleyan UniversityEarth and Environmental Sciences Department, Wesleyan UniversityMiddlesex Community CollegeThe Rockfall FoundationU.S. Climate Plan; Wesleyan Climate Ambassadors; Wesleyan Sustainability Office (Saturday, April 12; 8:30a-5p in Exley 150)

Wesleyan JouleBug CompetitionWesleyan is running its second JouleBug Competition this April.  JouleBug is a social mobile app that helps people learn about, and spread the word about, sustainable living. It’s free to download: iOS or Android. With JouleBug, you can save energy, water, and other resources; reduce your carbon footprint and other environmental impacts; and share your sustainable story with your social networks. Sign up by April 10th! (Monday, April 14 – Sunday, April 27)

Hunger Banquet: Get assigned to an income bracket and learn about how your income level affects global distribution of food, jobs, and food access.  Contact Francesca Moree for more information. (Wednesday, April 23; 5-6p)

Mama Earth Fest: An ecofeminist festival dedicated to cultivating the culture of sustainability and respect on campus. Join on-campus feminist groups and environmental clubs for music, games, art, and snacks in the beautiful WestCo courtyard to celebrate our wonderful Mama Earth. (Saturday, April 26; 1-4p in WestCo Courtyard)

Jelisa Adair

I am the Civic Engagement Fellow for 2013-2014. While a student at Wesleyan I double majored in Psychology and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and completed a joint thesis during my senior year. I am interested in issues of social justice, mental health, media, and global welfare. 
