Covenant Living retirement community seeks volunteers to interact and socialize with their residents.
Mission: Our continuing mission of service to older adults. We’re dedicated to helping each resident pursue wellness of mind, body and spirit in personalized ways that enhance every element of well-being. Physical and intellectual exercise strengthen health, vitality and understanding. Aspiring to emotional and spiritual comfort helps everyone live a happier life, whatever their faith and beliefs. And sharing laughter, kindness and friendship with neighbors and staff helps build a community that’s based on the belief of making life better for others.
Volunteer Opportunities: Interact with a variety of interesting and dynamic residents throughout the independent living, assisted living, and health care parts of our campus. Spending your time here may involve a variety of activities including but not limited to: variety of games, crafts, socializing, and so much more. Times and day vary and we would love to have you!
Contact: Feel free to give Heather Knochel a call at 860-854-6603 or email at