Kristina Wong: Reality television, political theater, and social change

Kristina Wong is a performance artist, comedian and elected representative whose work onstage and in politics is informed by an obsessive knowledge of the reality television format.  How does reality tv explain where we are today?  What tropes from this genre have now surfaced in how we think, make decisions and move in the world?

In this talk she will describe her research, brushes with reality television and how she’s played with the form in her activism and art for the benefit of social justice. 

“Wong is an activist artist dedicated to forging meaningful social change, interrogating heteronormative standards, subverting racial and gender stereotypes, challenging complacency, and empowering audiences—a model for the values that we hold here at the Center for the Arts,” said Fiona Coffey, Associate Director for Programming and Performing Arts. “During a time when civil liberties are being eroded on a daily basis, our nation is convulsing with protests over police brutality and systemic racism, and our healthcare system and federal response to the pandemic is in tatters, Wong’s voice is needed more than ever. She is a remarkable example of an artist who is responding in real time to the current moment and who is also translating her community activism into art and performance. What an extraordinary model for Wesleyan students and our audiences to have.”


Tuesday, October 27, 6:30-8:00 pm, EDT
Free and open to the public
Zoom Link here:


The E2020 Speaker Series brings together community organizers, activists, and changemakers to talk about the 2020 election and movement-building. See the whole lineup here:
The E2020 Speaker Series is supported by generous contributions from the Wintman Family Lecture Series Fund.