Latest News
We are excited to announce that we will be continuing our CSPL 120 Civic Engagement Practice! The Practice brings together the ever-growing and evolving community of students at Wesleyan who are invested in civic engagement. To enroll and learn more, please review our CSPL 120 Engage blog post. Please contact us at engage@wesleyan.edu with questions.
Upcoming Events
Methods of Civic Engagement Series: Electoral Politics
Join us for a conversation with Werner Oyanadel, CT General Assembly Latin & Puerto Rican Policy Director, about the efficacy of electoral politics as a method of civic engagement and social change.
2/8, 4:30-6:00pm, Allbritton 304
The Katal Center for Equity, Health, and Justice Information Session
Katal is a community organization that works in Connecticut and New York to strengthen the people, policies, institutions, and movements that advance equity, health, and justice for everyone. Come learn about their work and how you can get involved! Food will be provided.
2/8, 4:30pm, Usdan 110
RJ Julia Board Game Night
Calling all board game enthusiasts! Join RJ and the Wes Board Game Club for an evening of fun and games. Wesleyan community and Middletown residents alike are invited to join. Some games are provided, but feel free to bring your own. Sign up here!
2/9, 5:00pm, RJ Julia
Extended Producer Responsibility Legislation Workshop
Tom Metzner, Environmental Analyst with the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, and Kim O’Rourke, Middletown’s Recycling Coordinator, will talk about the proposed legislation, “Extended Producer Responsibility,” and its implications for packaging and recycling. Join in person or on Zoom.
2/10, 11:00am-12:15pm, Exley 405 or Zoom
What Does It Take to Be an Investigative Journalist?
Join Wesleyan’s new 2023 Koepell Fellow and investigative reporter with Hearst Connecticut Media, Jacqueline Rabe Thomas, for a conversation about the challenges and successes of her work. Pizza will be provided!
2/13, 12:00-1:00pm, Usdan 108
Global Education Speaker Series: Petul Gomez
Petul works with the Guatemala Ministry of Education and will discuss the challenges and threats facing the preservation of the Chuj language and culture. Come in person for free food or join online.
2/15, 12:00-1:00pm, Fries Center (Fisk Hall 201)
Love & Taxes
What’s more complicated? Love or taxes? Demystify that W-2 with a tax professional. This event is cost and judment free. Priority is given to FGLI students. Food will be provided.
2/15, 5:00-6:30pm, Usdan 110
Growing Power Workshop
As part of our Cultivating Justice initiative, the JCCP will host a day full of free community workshops—led by organizations or businesses invested in our mission—that center agriculture and gardening, animal husbandry, and fishing. The event is open to all, but we’re specifically advertising to families of color, incarceration-impacted families, and low-income families. Register here!
2/18, starting at 10:00am, Usdan 3rd Floor
Methods of Civic Engagement Series: Philanthropy
Join us for a conversation with Laura McCargar, President of The Perrin Family Foundation, about how philanthropy and youth-led activism can advance movements for racial and social justice.
2/22, 4:30-6:00pm, Allbritton 311
Talking About Ukraine Outside of a Russian Lens
Terell Jermaine Starr, journalist and founder of Black Diplomats Podcast, will draw upon his 15 years of living and working in Ukraine to offer his unique take on what is happening in Ukraine, including its path to democracy, foreign policy, national security concerns, and why Russia is committing genocide.
2/23, 12:00-1:00pm, Boger 112
Job/Volunteer Opportunities
Come to the MeshEd Information Session if you are interested in a summer internship that focuses on increasing educational access to innovative, student-centered learning experiences for middle and high schoolers.
FoodCorps is hiring Service Members who will teach kids to grow, cook, and love the nourishing foods that celebrate their cultures and communities—and help schools serve more of those foods, too. Learn more about the full-time, paid public service opportunity here.
Student Academic Resources (SAR) is hiring New Student Orientation Advisors to assist incoming students during the International Student and First Things First Orientations. Additionally, SAR is hiring Academic Peer Advisors who will support students with course registration, campus resources, metacognitive learning strategies, and academic skills.
The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life is seeking an intern to work 4-10 hours per week to help spearhead initiatives aimed at enhancing the campus environment for students of any, all, and no faith backgrounds and to assist the department with programs and events related to interfaith literacy and diversity. Please email Reverend Tracy tmehrmuska@wesleyan.edu for more information!
TEAK Fellowship is looking for Summer Institute Instructors who will teach middle and high school students Writing, Pre-Algebra, and Reading. If you are interested, please email Oyé Carr at ocarr@teakfellowship.org.
Tea @ 3 is an intergenerational friendship community whose goal is to inspire action to end loneliness, reduce ageism, and improve health. Volunteer to share a weekly phone call with an older adult Tea-Mate for 12 weeks and participate in 2 live community-wide Zoom events.
The Immigrant Family Services Institute and Innovative Learning Concepts are partnering to host an Online English Pilot Program for Haitian refugees. They’re looking for volunteers who can facilitate conversations and teach English skills to their students. Please contact Stefan Norman at stefan.p.norman@gmail.com to learn more.
Second Day has launched a series of social impact career guides to help students gain insight into the social impact space and how to break into entry-level positions.
Funding Resources
More Information
How is Russell Library honoring Black HistoryMonth? Check out their African American Oral History Project here.
The Hornet Organizing Program is a 5-session Zoom course that teaches the fundamentals of organizing your community to take action and challenge power around an issue or cause. Topics covered will include: how to have powerful organizing conversations, charting and power mapping, and the legislative process & taking action on important issues in 2023. Sign up by 2/19 if you are interested.
The Xtramile Shuttle runs from 12-7pm on Fridays and Saturdays. Download the Transloc app and search for Xtramile Middletown on-demand to start using the free shuttle today!
Follow us on Instagram @wes_engage to stay updated on all news, events, and resources related to civic engagement!