Latest News
The Allbritton Center Welcomes 3 New Faculty/Staff Members:
- Ahmed Badr: Interim Director for the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Policy
- Briana Bellinger-Dawson: Coordinator of Community Participation at the Jewett Center for Community Partnerships
- Jacqueline Rabe Thomas: Koepell Journalism Fellow
The Patricelli Center New Venture Awards (NVA), formerly known as the Seed Grants, application is now open! The Center offers three $5,000 awards that aim to recognize and support impactful student ventures across sectors and communities. Projects or ventures must address a social problem; be sustainable, scalable, and/or replicable; and have potential for impact. New ventures can include emerging organizations or companies, as well as projects implemented within already-established organizations. NVA applicants and recipients join a vibrant community of Wesleyan student and alumni ventures and receive coaching support, access to alumni mentorship, special invitations to engagements at leading institutions, and more. Learn more and apply by March 20th at 11:59pm.
Upcoming Events at Wesleyan
Global Education Speaker Series: Petul Gomez
Petul Gomez, Chuj language activist who works with the Guatemala Ministry of Education, will discuss the challenges and threats facing the preservation of the Chuj language and culture. Come in person for free food or join online.
2/15, 12:00-1:00pm, Fries Center (Fisk Hall 201)
Sustainable CT Fellowship Q&A Session
Looking for a paid sustainability internship this summer? Learn more about the Sustainable CT Fellowship at a Q&A session led by two former fellows.
2/15, 12:15pm, Usdan 114
Teaching on Days After: Educating for Equity in the Wake of Injustice
Join the College of Education Studies for a conversation with Dr. Alyssa Hadley Dunn, Director of Teacher Education and Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Connecticut. Her interactive talk will explore what teachers can do on days after major events, tragedies, and traumas.
2/15, 4:30pm, Fisk 302
Love & Taxes
What’s more complicated? Love or taxes? Demystify that W-2 with a tax professional. This event is cost and judment free. Priority is given to FGLI students. Food will be provided.
2/15, 5:00-6:30pm, Usdan 110
Black History Month Event: Ilana Harris-Babou—Liquid Gold Exhibition Artist Talk
Ilana will discuss her exhibition ‘Liquid Gold’ which presents a video installation and a sculpture that examines the history of breastfeeding for Black mothers in America, bringing attention to the racialized social structures that create parameters for an individual’s agency in making personal health decisions.
2/15, 4:30pm, Zilkha Gallery
SAGES Meeting
Join Wesleyan’s campus sustainability committee to discuss campus updates, including an Earth Day festival and zero waste plan, and learn about progress toward and ways to get engaged with Sustainability Strategic Plan implementation. Please come to join the conversation – all students, faculty, and staff are welcome!
2/16, 12:00-1:00pm, Boger 115
Black History Month Event: 2nd Annual Gospel Night
This event will showcase live performances of Christian music coming from the African and African-American experience.
2/16, 5:00-6:30pm, Memorial Chapel
Black History Month Event: Zora Neale Hurston: Claiming a Space Film Screening
The BHM Film Series continues with Zora Neale Hurston: Claiming a Space made in 2023. Post-screening Q&A with writer/director Tracy Heather Strain and producer/editor Randall MacLowery, CFILM professors.
2/16, 8:00pm, Goldsmith Family Cinema
Black History Month Event: Candid Campus
Candid conference for black students on black issues.
2/18, 6:00pm-8:00pm, Memorial Chapel
Black History Month Event: Mandabi Film Screening
The BHM Film Series continues with Mandabi made in 1968. Senegal.
2/18, 8:00pm, Goldsmith Family Cinema
Methods of Civic Engagement Series: Philanthropy
Join us for a conversation with Laura McCargar, President of The Perrin Family Foundation, about how philanthropy and youth-led activism can advance movements for racial and social justice.
2/22, 4:30-6:00pm, Allbritton 311
Peace Corps Information Session
Come to the Fries Center to learn about the Peace Corps!
2/22, 12:15pm, Fisk 201
Talking About Ukraine Outside of a Russian Lens
Terrell Jermaine Starr, journalist and founder of the Black Diplomats Podcast, will draw upon his 15 years of living and working in Ukraine to offer his unique take on what is happening, including its path to democracy, foreign policy, national security concerns, and why Russia is committing genocide.
2/23, 12:00-1:00pm, Boger Hall 112
Future of Sustainability at Wes
The Resource Center and Sunrise student group are hosting a fun and interactive event that will present Wesleyan’s Sustainability Strategic Plan (SSP). Come make your own tea bag and participate in games and arts and crafts. There will be raffle prizes so you don’t want to miss out!
2/24, 4:15pm, Fisk 201
Off Campus/Community News and Events
Charter School Hearing in Middletown
Any member of the public can testify their thoughts on the charter school proposal. If you are a student interested in Education, this would be a good opportunity to see the Charter process in action. If you would like to attend and need transporation, please email Diana Martinez at dmmartinez@wesleyan.edu and the Jewett Center can make this available.
2/15, 6:00pm, Vinal Technical High School (60 Daniels Street, Middletown)
Meet Your Greens
Diane St. John, the Manager of Natureworks Garden Center, will speak about the important role that home gardeners play in helping their local ecosystem heal and thrive.
2/16, 5:30pm, Perk on Main Cafe
The Buttonwood Tree
Presents the musical showcases of singers/songwriters Lucas Neil and Olivia Charlotte (2/17) and soul singer Waberi Jordan (2/18). Please purchase tickets here.
2/17, 8:00pm & 2/18, 7:00pm
Study Space Alert! The Buttonwood Tree is open from 1-5pm Monday, Thursday, and Friday as a space to study, chill, and hang.
MacDonough Elementary School is hosting an Invention Convention and they want YOU as a judge. Judges don’t need any special skills, just a love of children and creativity. The Convention takes place on March 8 and judges would arrive by 9:30am and finish by 11:00am. There will be an orientation at arrival and then you will judge the inventions. Sign up here to volunteer for this unique opportunity! Please do not hesitate to reach out to John Ferrero at ferreroj@mpsct.org with questions.
Job/Volunteer Opportunities
The College of the Environment (COE) Fellowship Program allows current Wesleyan undergraduate students (of any class year or major) to undertake research on environmental topics under the guidance of a faculty mentor during summer or fall or spring semesters. The projects must relate to any of the broad themes covered by Environmental Studies and the College of the Environment. Learn more and apply!
Apply to be a Seasonal Part-time Curbside Composting Outreach Associate with Big Reuse! This position is primarily responsible for conducting resident engagement and outreach for curbside composting service in Queens, NY. Primary duties include tabling at community events and canvassing. Interested applicants should submit their resume and cover letter to compostoutreach@bigreuse.org.
Spring Kid’s Nature Connection Program Leaders Needed! Local non-profit, Everyone Outside, is looking for more staff mentors to co-lead their outside children’s after-school programs in Middletown, Middlefield and Portland. Programs are intended to help children connect with the natural world through play and self-guided exploration.
The JCCP’s Cross Street Tutoring program, which runs Monday through Thursday from 4pm to 6pm, is looking for 3-5 additional tutors. Sign up by emailing student coordinator, Melat, at mgebremeskel@wesleyan.edu.
The JCCP’s Food Rescue program reduces waste on campus and helps to alleviate food insecurity in our community by collecting food that is normally wasted from Pi Cafe, Summerfields and Usdan and taking it to Eddy Shelter, an emergency shelter about 5 minutes from campus. They are recruiting volunteers, so please email student coordinator, Gina, at ggwiazda@wesleyan.edu.
Are you passionate about the learning and teaching of mathematics? Would you like to spend a summer in a beautiful historical city, with one of the most vibrant cultures in Europe? Please consider Summer@BSME, a 6-week summer program in Budapest, Hungary. Applications are due on April 1, and are reviewed on a rolling basis, so apply early!
Funding Resources
The Wesleyan Green Fund is now accepting applications until May 1, 2023! Students, faculty, or staff are eligible to submit proposals to the Green Fund for any project that further develops sustainable projects involving the broader Wesleyan community. The application can be found here.
The Xtramile Shuttle runs from 12-7pm on Fridays and Saturdays. Download the Transloc app and search for Xtramile Middletown on-demand to start using the free shuttle today!