Upcoming Events on Campus
(What) LQBTQ+ Rights in West Africa?
The Global Education Speaker Series presents Educator and Consultant, Akey Fabrice Looky. Come in person for free food or join online.
3/8, 12:00-1:00pm, Fries Center or Zoom
Global Engagement Minor Info Session and Student Panel
The Global Engagement Minor (GEM) is a unique opportunity for Wesleyan students from all majors to explore and integrate their language and cultural interests, academic pursuits, and extracurricular activities in learning how to navigate the world. Snacks will be served!
3/8, 5:00pm, Fisk 121
COE Faculty Interviews
Interested in helping the College of the Environment interview candidates for a faculty position? You can sit in on 1, 2, or 3 classes on Food Security/Environmental Justice that will be taught by the three candidates. Afterward, you’ll be asked to share your experiences and impressions.
The three sessions are as follows:
- Wednesday, March 8, 4:00-5:00
- Thursday, March 9, 1:30-2:30 in Fisk 121
- Friday, March 10, 1:30-2:30 in Boger 114
Please email Laurie (lkenney01@wesleyan.edu) with the session(s) that you would like to attend.
Fulbright Application Cycle Kickoff Webinar
National Fulbright program staff and alumni ambassadors will give an overview of the program. Dr.Erica Kowsz will introduce the Wesleyan campus process. Register today.
3/9, 2:00-3:00pm, Zoom
Art and Policy Salon: Imagined Futures to Mappable Realities
Join Wesleyan Assistant Professor Katie Pearl, Raquel Bryant, Artist/Researcher Dr. Kat Owens, and Save the Sound’s inaugural Environmental Justice Specialist Alex Rodriguez to look at the potent relationships between imagined futures and mappable realities.
3/28, 7:00pm, Ring Family Hall
The First Amendment Right of Academic Freedom
Join the Allbritton Center as we host this year’s Annual Hugo Black Lecture in Freedom of Expression with Professor David Rabban ‘71. His teaching and research focuses on free speech, higher education and the law, and American legal history. A reception will be held in Russell House (300 High St.) prior to the lecture at 6pm.
3/30, 7:00pm, Downey House
Off Campus/Community News
Sustainability Career Showcase: Green Design
The Connecticut Green Building Council (CGBC) is proud to host its Sustainability Career Showcase, a series of panel discussions designed to connect students and emerging professionals in the state with practitioners from diverse fields related to CGBC’s mission—to build a healthy, sustainable, and equitable built environment. Register today, this event is free for students!
3/8, 4:30-5:30, Zoom
Job/Volunteer Opportunities
The CFA is seeking student gallery monitors to staff the Zilkha Gallery desk during the 42nd Annual Middletown K-12 Art Exhibition. This joyful show of young people’s art opens on Saturday, March 11 and runs through Sunday, March 19, during spring break. If interested, contact Rani Arbo at rarbo@wesleyan.edu.
Funding Resources
The Patricelli Center New Venture Awards (NVA) support impactful student ventures across sectors and communities. (Deadline 3/20)
The Davenport Study Grants support student research and other student scholarly projects in public affairs to begin this summer. (Deadline 3/26)
The Morgenstern-Clarren Student Social Justice Award grants $2,500 to outstanding applicants. (Deadline 3/28)
The Wesleyan Green Fund is accepting applications for project proposals that further sustainability in the broader Wesleyan community. (Deadline 5/1)