Upcoming Events on Campus
XtraMile Tabling
Come learn about the FREE Xtramile shuttle that can take you around campus and Middletown!
4/4, 6:00-8:00pm, Exley
Think Fellowships
Come learn what fellowships are all about: from international exchange, to graduate study, to independent projects. All class years welcome! There will be pizza.
4/5, 12:00-1:00pm, Fries Center (Fisk 201)
The Future of Re-Entry
Join us for a conversation with Earl Bloodsworth, Director of Bridgeport’s Re-entry Initiative, about the intersection of incarceration and civic participation.
4/5, 4:30-6:00pm, Allbritton 311
Documentary Ethics: Hoop Dreams
Join us for a film screening of Hoop Dreams followed by a discussion of documentary ethics.
4/5, 8:00pm, Center for Film Studies, Goldsmith Family Cinema
Civic Engagement Minor Open House
Come learn about the minor! If you’re involved with or interested in community engagement and volunteering/working with our community partners, then you are eligible for the minor. Lunch will be provided!
4/6, 12:00-1:00pm, Allbritton 311
Lecture by Colombian Artist Felipe Arturo: The Migration of Plants
Associate Professor at the Universidad del Rosario, Colombian artist Felipe Arturo presents a selection of works that span a 15-year period of artistic practice based on the migration of plants in recent history and their impact on contemporary cultural practices.
4/6, 4:30-5:30pm, Fries Center (Fisk 201)
Talk It Out and Artist Book Open House: The Rights of Nature
Join a conversation with Associate Professor of Anthropology Joseph Weiss, Associate Professor of Philosophy Elise Springer, and the Ocean Filibuster cast to talk out the human/ocean relationship. Come at 5:30pm for a hands-on viewing of ocean-related artist books from Wesleyan Library’s Special Collections.
4/6, 5:30-8:00pm, Smith Reading Room and Special Collections
Brownies and Board Games
Join the Human Rights House for a wholesome night of baking brownies and playing board games! Come with a friend or leave with a new one… Pajamas are not required but are strongly encouraged 🙂
4/6, 6:00-9:00pm, 101 High St.
Clean Plate Challenge
Join the compost interns to reduce your waste at Usdan lunch! Take what you’ll eat, eat what you take, and get entered to win a prize if you don’t waste any food!
4/7, 11:00am-1:00pm, Usdan
What the Red Mark Means
Bring a graded paper and receive one-on-one support from professors as they go over grammar and other writing mistakes based on your paper’s feedback. You’ll be entered to win a fun prize! There will also be pizza!
4/7, 12:00-1:00pm, Exley 139
Documentary Ethics: Subject
Join us for a film screening of Subject followed by a discussion and Q&A session with the directors and producers.
4/8, 1:00pm, Center for Film Studies, Goldsmith Family Cinema
How to Think About Mill’s On Liberty
Join Gregory Conti, Assistant Professor of Politics at Princeton University for his lecture on John Stuart Mill, democracy, and freedom of speech.
4/10, 4:30-6:00pm Boger 114
Re-Imagining Community Safety Conference
The Jewett Center for Community Partnerships invites you to join a multidisciplinary discussion on the intersections of research, evaluation, and community safety policy and practice. RSVP for further information.
4/13, 11:00am-3:00pm, Ring Family Theater
Job/Volunteer Opportunities
- The Wesleyan Upward Bound program is currently seeking student volunteers for SAT prep workshops on campus from 10am to 1pm on Monday, April 10th through Wednesday, April 12th. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Jordan Romine at jromine@wesleyan.edu.
- Looking for the best summer job on Earth? The Children’s Circus of Middletown (a 5 week circus day camp culminating in a giant outdoor performance, now in its 35th season) is looking for counselors ages 16-25 for this summer’s program. These are full-time positions (8:30am-3:00 pm Monday through Friday) from June 28 through August 8. Apply HERE by April 10. For more info, contact Dic at dic@oddfellows.org.
- Oddfellows Playhouse Youth Theater in Middletown still has a few work-study positions open for the rest of the semester, including Teaching Assistants, Graphic Design, Arts Administration Intern, and Assistant to the Artistic Director. Contact dic@oddfellows.org or fill out this application form.
- TEAK Fellowship is looking for experienced middle and high school teachers to teach Pre-Algebra during Summer Institute 2023. Instructors will work collaboratively as part of teaching teams responsible for providing the curriculum structure established by TEAK. This summer instructors will teach approximately 2-3 sections of ~15 students four times a week, Monday–Thursday, from July 5–Aug 9 at The Browning School in Manhattan.
- Are you interested in working with children and families? Community engagement? Early childhood education? Play-based educational technology? MathTalk is looking for a part-time Community Engagement Intern to join their team!
See Event Posters Below