Sustainability Office Survey

wesleyansustLooking for a way to stay civically engaged over the winter break? All you have to do is complete this survey, sent out by Jennifer Kleindienst from the Sustainability Office! Here is an excerpt from her email below:

Last week, the Wesleyan Sustainability Office sent out a survey, which has a twofold purpose.

1.       We seek to gain a greater understanding of the Wesleyan community’s awareness of existing sustainability efforts.

2.       We would like your input in the development of the new Sustainability Action Plan.  This will be the second iteration of the plan; the existing plan was written in 2010.  The existing plan, with notes on updates from 2012, can be viewed at  We have created an outline for the proposed 2014 plan, which can be viewed at:


Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey, which will be open from until January 10, 2014.  If you have any questions, please contact us at

Jelisa Adair

I am the Civic Engagement Fellow for 2013-2014. While a student at Wesleyan I double majored in Psychology and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and completed a joint thesis during my senior year. I am interested in issues of social justice, mental health, media, and global welfare.