Last month, Wesleyan’s Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship announced that it would award two tickets to the Social Capital Markets conference (SOCAP) to two alumni with an interest in how money can be leveraged to create social change. It was no surprise that those who applied were talented, motivated social changemakers working in a variety of…
Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship
PCSE Seed Grants in Action: Report #2 from Potlux

The Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship awards annual seed grants to fund the launch or early stage growth of a Wesleyan-connected social enterprise, project, program, or venture. Each grantee reports back with blog posts and photos. Here’s the second report from Brent Packer ’15, founder of Potlux, the first online community where collegiate sustainability initiatives are effectively aggregated and shared. Also…
PCSE Seed Grants in Action: Report #2 from the Wesleyan Doula Project

The Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship awards annual seed grants to fund the launch or early stage growth of a Wesleyan-connected social enterprise, project, program, or venture. Each grantee reports back with blog posts and photos. Here’s the first report from the Wesleyan Doula Project, one of the three 2015 winners. You can read WDP’s first update here and other grantee…
Conferences Round Up!
There is rarely a dull moment at Wesleyan – especially inside the Allbritton Center – and with so much activity happening right here on campus, it’s easy to overlook opportunities to learn outside of the Wes bubble. Throughout the year and around the world, there are countless conferences, institutes, bootcamps, meetups, and startup weekends focused on social entrepreneurship,…
Fall Course Openings: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship, Decolonizing Indigenous Middletown, Money and Social Change, and Collaborative Cluster

There are many great opportunities to engage in public life and service through your academics at Wesleyan. Here are a few courses that still have openings available for this fall, including the Collaborative Cluster, service-learning classes, and a quarter-credit class taught by Patricelli Center director Makaela Kingsley. Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship (.25-credit, second quarter) CSPL 262, Makaela Kingsley…
1 Year Out: Alexander Pack

1 Year Out is an interview series highlighting alumni from the class of 2014 who are engaged in public service, entrepreneurship, or nonprofit work in any capacity- through their employment, a volunteer position, or on the side. How are you involved in public service, entrepreneurship, or nonprofit work? I work at a venture capital firm in…
Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship to award two SOCAP15 tickets for alumni (applications due August 30)
A new form of capitalism is arising that recognizes our ability to direct the power and efficiency of market systems toward social impact. Social Capital Markets is dedicated to supporting the growth of this market. SOCAP is an annual event series that connects leading global innovators – investors, foundations, institutions and social entrepreneurs – to…
Attention students: Are you interested in being a PCSE Peer Advisor? (email us by 9/9)
Wesleyan’s Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship will be appointing our 2015/2016 Peer Advisors in the coming weeks. If you’re a current undergraduate student and you’d like to be considered, please send a brief email expressing your interest to Makaela Kingsley ’98, Director of the Patricelli Center, by Wednesday, September 9. If you’ve had limited or…
Job Openings at FoodCorps (tips from Syed Ali ’13)
Syed Ali ’13, Communications Coordinator for FoodCorps, wrote in with two job postings: Special Assistant to the CEO (Portland, Oregon office) Syed says: I recommend this position especially for someone who is interested in social entrepreneurship. While many of our “leadership”-minded students might not find working in a support role compelling, its actually the best way to…
Greetings from Behind the Bookshelf!

My name is Jennifer Roach, and I just started my year as the Civic Engagement Fellow at Wesleyan. I am taking the place of the wonderful Rosy Capron ’14 in her office behind the bookshelf in Allbritton 318. This year I will be working with the Center for Community Partnerships, the Allbritton Center for the…