Sam Rispaud ’15 writes in with another update from Money and Social Change, a service-learning course taught by Professor Joy Anderson this fall: Today was an exciting week for the Money & Social Change class. By partnering with the Learning By Giving Foundation our class is given $10,000 to give to four non-profits in Middlesex county. This Saturday, the class…
SOC 316: Community Research Seminar
If you would like to use your research skills for the betterment of Middlesex County, apply for the Community Research Seminar, a unique service-learning course in the Sociology department that is returning to Wesleyan this spring: Interested in taking a course that allows you to make a concrete difference in the Middletown community, in addition to…
Dance teaching Workshop (DANC341) and Practicum (DANC447)
If you enjoy dancing and would like to share your passion with others, or if you enjoy teaching and are curious as to what can be taught through movement, the Dance Teaching Workshop and Practicum offer the perfect opportunity to explore these interests while bringing weekly dance classes to the community. Course description from WesMaps:…
CSPL210: Money and Social Change (Fall 2014)
Have you ever felt like you could make real social change happen if you just had enough money to give? Leveraging funds for social and environmental good, it turns out, is far more complex than throwing money at problems. In a unique course being taught this fall by Criterion Institute president Joy Anderson, students will learn…