Date(s) - 09/24/2015
8:00 pm
Orientation for the Individual Tutoring Program is Thursday, 9/24 at 8pm in Allbritton 304.
The Individual Tutoring Program provides free, one-on-one tutoring in all subject areas to K-12 students in the Middletown community. Tutors arrange the meeting time and place with the student’s parent/guardian. Involvement in the program is up to you: it ranges from one hour per week with one student, and can go up from there. The beauty of this program is that it is super flexible because you design your own schedule! Individual Tutoring, like most programs through OCS, operates through work-study or volunteering. If you are eligible for Federal work-study funds, you can earn money through this job; if not, I encourage you to join as a fun and truly meaningful volunteer opportunity.