Translating a Liberal Arts Degree into a Career

“What are you going to do with a degree in that?”  I’m sure that I’m not the only person who has heard this from family members, friends, or even at times, tour groups while at Wesleyan. Apparently my Psychology and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies double major threw others for a loop, and I didn’t help…

More Crowdfunding Advice: Eight Tips You’ve Probably Never Heard Before

Over at ENGAGE, we are no strangers to crowdfunding. As these campaigns become more prolific, you should be sure to do everything you can to make yours stand out. We came across this article by Catherine Clifford of featuring Clay Hebert, the founder of New York City-based Crowdfunding Hacks. This helpful list of tips for crowdfunders…

Social Enterprise Accelerator Flight Night (6/18 in Hartford)

Over the last 15 weeks, 11 inspiring, start-up social enterprises have worked incredibly hard to test their business assumptions, develop a multiple bottom line business model, and build a strategy to launch, now it’s time to help these social enterprises take flight! We hope you will join us on Wednesday, June 18th, 2014 at The Lyceum in Hartford…

IoT Innovation Grand Challenge

Cisco invites you to participate in a new initiative to recognize and support up-and-coming innovators, entrepreneurs and early-stage startup businesses that contribute to the growth and evolution of the Internet of Things. Announcing the Internet of Things Innovation Grand Challenge The Internet of Things (IoT) Innovation Grand Challenge is a global open competition that will run between April…

Reunion & Commencement 2014: “What Will You Do With and In Your Time?”

As campus empties out and tents come down, we at ENGAGE want to take a moment to reflect on what was an inspiring weekend. We celebrated WESU‘s 75th Anniversary with a WESeminar that detailed the history of community radio at Wesleyan. WESU General Manager Ben Michael and University Archivist Leith Johnson shared fascinating stories from…

Fifth Annual Digital Wesleyan Gathering (6/18)

                      Space is limited, RSVP Now Hosted by: Strauss Zelnick ’79 and Andrew Vogel ’95 Digital Wesleyan Jim Friedlich ’79 P ’17, Jake Levine ’08, and Tim Devane ’09 Wesleyan takes pride in sending graduates to all corners of business, the arts and sciences, and academics.…

PCSE Seed Grants in Action: A Report from Nina Gerona ’15

The Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship awards annual seed grants to fund the launch or early stage growth of a Wesleyan-connected social enterprise, project, program, or venture. Each grant recipient reports back with blog posts and photos. Here’s the latest from Nina Gerona ’15. Read her earlier post here. ***************************** Months ago I began designing a social metrics survey for…