Registration Open for Innovator’s Forum

It’s never too early to start thinking about spring break plans, and Unite for Sight has you covered with the Innovator’s Forum! The Innovator’s Forum will take place on March 14 in New Haven, CT. Registration is open now until March 10th, register now to take advantage of lower pricing. The Innovator’s Forum will draw health,…

Internship Opportunity with Jumpstart Academy (applications being accepted now)

This just in from Kate Weiner ’15: Jumpstart Academy is an organization that seeks to educate, equip, and empower Nigerian youths through a two-year Leadership and Entrepreneurship program. This program melds community service learning with business opportunities in order to cultivate a new generation of ethical entrepreneurs. Although based in Ibadan, Nigeria, Jumpstart is seeking…

The Latest from WesCeleb Kennedy Odede ’12

Have you heard the news? This week, Kennedy Odede ’12 — SHOFCO co-founder, 2009 Davis Projects for Peace grant recipient, 2010 Echoing Green Fellow, 2010 Dell Social Innovation Competition winner, Clinton Global Initiative partner, 2012 Wesleyan Commencement speaker, Patricelli Center Advisory Board member, and (perhaps most importantly!) one half of the Jessica-Kennedy dream team — was named a 2014…

Job Opportunity: Green Street Front Desk

Looking to make some extra money this spring? Green Street Arts Center and PIMMS has an opportunity for motivated students! Check out the details below for more information: Green Street Front Desk – Student Assistance Needed for Spring 2014 We are looking for several students who could cover our front desk this spring. Mondays –…

Inner-City Violence Prevention Panel (moderated by Evan Okun ’13, 2/8 at 1pm)

Inner-City Violence: an inside look at the epidemic and possible solutions Saturday, February 8 1 p.m.  Daniel Family Commons The goal of this event is to (1) three-dimensionalize gang/drug related violence that plagues lower income, minority neighborhoods across America, and (2) discuss community-based programs in Chicago addressing this epidemic. CeaseFire/Cure-Violence is a Chicago based organization which aims to…

PCSE Seed Grants in Action: A Note from Evan Okun ’13

In April 2013, the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship awarded five seed grants to Wesleyan students embarking on high-impact projects around the globe. Each grant recipient has been reporting on his/her work with blog posts and photos. Here’s the third and final report from Evan Okun ’13. Read his earlier posts here and here. ***************************** Circles & Ciphers is…

“The Global Push to Unlock the Potential of Women Entrepreneurs” by Jeri Eckhart Queenan P’17

In a recent article, Jeri Eckhart Queenan P’17 of The Bridgespan Group and her co-authors explain that “recognition of the barriers and benefits of supporting women-owned enterprises” has led to “the creation of a number of public, private, and social sector initiatives aimed at strengthening women-owned businesses.” The piece focuses on Goldman Sachs’ 10,000 Women initiative and touches on…

Winter Break Career Bootcamp: Finding Your Passion

Sometimes,being passionate seems to be the one unifying trait of Wesleyan students. However, being passionate in an academic setting does not always translate to one knowing their passions in a career setting. For those of you who are struggling to find out what step they might want to take next in their careers, Scott Dinsmore…

Van Drivers Needed for Spring Semester!

Looking ahead for a job in the spring semester? The Office of Community Service is looking for van drivers! If you are 2o or older, hold a valid U.S. license and have more than two years of driving experience, you are eligible to be an OCS van driver! If you are interested in this opportunity, please…

Job Opportunity: VISTA Program with CT Food Justice

For those of you interested in food justice, the Connecticut Food Justice Youth Corps is now accepting applications! Read more about this position below: University of Connecticut Extension, in partnership with some of the most effective and innovative nonprofit organizations in low-income communities in Connecticut, is now in the second year of a three year…