The Community Health Center is recruiting interested students to help educate others about the Affordable Care Act! There is an interest meeting at 5:30p on Wednesday, November 2oth in PAC 001, a navigator will explain the nuances of the ACA. If you are interested in this opportunity but cannot attend the information session, please contact Marshal…
$5K Seed Grant and $10K Prize for Peace (Info Sessions 12/2, 12/3, and 12/4 at 12:15 p.m.)
The Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship is offering two grants to fund projects or ventures led by one or more Wesleyan student(s). PCSE SEED GRANT: Three $5,000 grants to fund the launch or early stage growth of a Wesleyan-connected social enterprise, project, program, or venture. Details and timeline here. Read about last year’s winners here. KATHRYN…
Enrichment Grant Report: Shira Engel ’14
Shira Engel ’14, author of the e-book Yoga U: The College Student’s Tools for Balanced Living and co-founder of WesBAM!, was selected to receive an Enrichment Grant from the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship. This funding helped support a trip to the New York Women in Communications Student Career Conference. Read Shira’s story below, and visit the PCSE website to learn more…
Feministing talk with Katie Halper ’03 and Jos Truitt (11/21 at 6pm)
What is the state of the feminist movement today? Where is it “moving”? How do we build a feminist movement that centers the needs of trans* people and people of color? Come hear Feministing editors Jos Truitt and Katie Halper, and one Wesleyan student (TBA, stay tuned!), speak and answer questions on these questions on…
Cinema CFPA: Channeling Pinchot
Brought to our attention by Miranda Linsky ’14, coordinator of the Wesleyan CFPA: Cinema CFPA: Channeling Pinchot Wednesday, November 20, 2013 7:00 – 8:30 pm Meet at Allbritton at 6:45 pm! Transportation is provided, just a 10-minute drive to CFPA Headquarters at 16 Meriden Road, Rockfall, CT. If you love Connecticut’s forests and trails, and have…
Wesleyan Summer Experience Grant Information Sessions
Looking for a way to finance your summer? Information sessions for the Wesleyan Summer Experience Grant are coming up! Juniors and seniors who are receiving need-based financial aid are eligible to apply for this grant, which can be used to finance a low-paid or unpaid internship or independent projects. Four of the awards are sponsored…
Movember Madness!
Lara Galinsky ’96 asks “What’s Your Problem”
Lara Galinsky ’96, Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship Advisory Board Co-chair, is the senior vice president of Echoing Green, a global nonprofit that provides seed funding and technical assistance to emerging social entrepreneurs with ideas for social change. She is the co-author of Work on Purpose (2011) and Be Bold: Create a Career with Impact (2007). In Lara’s latest…
Global Youth Connect Program
Looking for something to do this summer? The Global Youth Connect Program gives students the opportunity to participate in programs to create change on a wide variety of human rights and social justice issues around the world. Those who need financial assistance in order to take part in these programs, see if you are eligible…