Wesleyan’s Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship is offering two free tickets to Unite for Sight’s day-long Social Entrepreneurship Institute on Friday, December 6, 2013 (the last day of fall semester classes). Priority will likely be given to undergraduate applicants, but alumni, faculty, and staff are also welcome to apply. Tickets include breakfast, lunch, and dinner,…
Corporate Growth Conference (on campus, Saturday 11/9)
This Saturday, November 9, the Economics Department, in conjunction with the Career Center and Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship, is pleased to host a mini-conference on the theme of Corporate Growth. The schedule and registration form are at http://bit.ly/corpgrowthfall13 We are delighted to welcome to campus several alumni who will speak on various aspects of corporate…
Volunteer to Assemble Thanksgiving Baskets!
The Middletown Community Thanksgiving Project was established three years ago to ensure that all Middletown families who couldn’t afford to purchase a Thanksgiving meal could still enjoy a feast on Thanksgiving. Made up of volunteers from nonprofit organizations, businesses, faith communities, and civic groups and funded in large part by the Middletown Rotary, the Middletown…
Us and Them: A Discussion about Wesleyan-Middletown Relations
Crowdfunding 101
According to Wikipedia, Crowdfunding (a.k.a. crowd financing, equity crowdfunding, crowd-sourced fundraising) is “the collective effort of individuals who network and pool their money, usually via the Internet, to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations.” Crowdfunding “can also refer to the funding of a company by selling small amounts of equity to many investors.”…
Middletown Potluck: Hunger and Homelessness
Center For Prison Education Open House
Though not technically a part of Homecoming/Family Weekend, the Center for Prison Education is holding their open house this Sunday!
Homecoming/Family Weekend Civic Engagement Events
It may seem that Homecoming/Family Weekend is so far away, but after fall break, it will be right around the corner! In navigating the packed schedule for the weekend, don’t miss out on any of these civic engagement related events: Friday, November 1st 11a-2p WesU 88.1FM Open House: Tour Wesleyan’s student-run radio station and meet…
You’re Invited to Brighter Dawns Fundraiser!
Applications for 2014-2015 Greenlining Academy are Open!
Hey alums! Greenlining Academy is now accepting applications for it’s 2014-2015 programs! Check out the details below and good luck! From the program’s website: We’re excited to announce that applications for our 2014-2015 Greenlining Academy programs are now open! We’re looking for bright and talented candidates who are committed to social justice and equity. Learn…