“At Wesleyan, just as much learning takes place outside of the classroom as it does inside.” This was one of the first things I remember hearing when I visited Wesleyan five years ago. After experiencing a Wesleyan education, I realized that this was completely true. However I think the sentiment bears explication. I think it…
Outside the Classroom: Civic Engagement and Extra-Curriculars
So now that you have been welcomed and maybe even met me, I decided to get started by talking about civic engagement in the form you are already probably most familiar with: through extracurriculars. I don’t think I could have fully appreciated the difference between high school and college before starting my first year at Wesleyan.…
ENGAGE Your Portfolio!
I hope that by this point you are getting familiar with your custom portfolio! It took me about two years at Wesleyan to realize it, but your custom portfolio is a place where you can really tailor the information you receive to your interests. All portfolios have pre-set Wesleyan-affiliated blogs already loaded on to your…
Hello everyone! If you are new to ENGAGE, or if you just haven’t been here since the end of last semester, you may have noticed that you do not know me. Though part of the allure of blogging can be anonymity, I don’t want to be the mysterious person behind the curtain. I want you…
Welcome to Wesleyan and ENGAGE!
With the distance of four years, I only remember a little bit about getting ready to leave for college. Mostly, I just remember the feeling of anticipation, wanting so desperately to get out of my parents’ house, out of my hometown, and dive into Wesleyan. And I imagine many of you are feeling the same…
ENGAGE Offices Cheat Sheet
Not sure which offices are affiliated with ENGAGE? Here is a graphic that will hopefully help!
Opportunities with Echoing Green and The Foundation for Sustainable Development
Echoing Green has come out with their “August Social Impact Jobs” post and it is full of exciting positions which can take you from New York to Niger. No matter whether you specialize in event planning, fundraising, programming; if your interests are health-related, in the arts, or reproductive justice, this page will have at least…
Job Opportunity: Idealist Video Production Intern
In New York? Looking for a paid internship? Check out this opportunity from Idealist: Join us in our New York office and help shape the visual voice of Idealist by becoming our first-ever Video Production Intern! Idealist was launched in 1995 with an ambitious goal: to be the starting place for anyone anywhere who wants…
From Being Unable to Cross the Road to Jumping Off Bridges: Spotlight on Dina Kaplan ’93
From WesConnect: “I couldn’t even cross the road,” says entrepreneur Dina Kaplan ’93, commenting on the fear that permeates the start-up world. In this interview with Venture Village, the founder of blip.tv talks about flying into freedom, being authentic, and how to conquer fear. “My everything was the company, but my everything had to change.” Kaplan…
THEA 384: Introduction to Puppetry
Social justice and…puppetry? Check out this latest course, courtesy of Leslie Weinberg: I’m excited to be offering a .5 credit course (THEA 384) in the Fall 2013 semester on the creation of puppet performance from oral histories and factual events. The course will take advantage of the on-campus presence of Dan Hurlin and Dan Froot’s WHO’S…