For the past couple of years, New England has seen some pretty wicked weather. Between snow storms, hurricanes, power outages, and the like, a group of first responders known as CERT (also known as) C-CERT came through with aid. From a Post-Nemo article on C-Cert: Wesleyan’s Campus Community Emergency Response Team (C-CERT), made up of…
Zero Waste Panel, April 30 at 7PM
MidWes Student Summit This Saturday
Dear students, Given recent discussions about Wesleyan’s relationship with the Middletown community, I would like to invite you to the Middletown-Wesleyan Relationship Student Summit, happening Saturday April 27th, from 1-3 PM in Albritton 311 (top floor), which is being hosted by the WSA’s Wesleyan-Middletown Relations Committee, also known as “MidWes”. There will be free food from Udupi, a local southeast Indian restaurant (all…
PCSE Student Enrichment Grants Available Now
The Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship is offering small grants to motivated students who seek to build their own skills, experience, and aptitude for social change by attending off-campus workshops, conferences, or other personal development opportunities. Summer internships and other off-campus experiences may qualify as enrichment in this case, as long as the experience is…
Volunteer Opportunity // AmeriCorps VISTA positions in Higher Ed
Connecticut Campus Compact (CTCC) is looking to fill 11 VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) positions by May 30, 2013! CTCC VISTAs work in community engagement or service learning offices on college campuses throughout Connecticut. Member’s duties include, recruitment of student volunteers, organizing community outreach programs, assisting faculty, and much more. AmeriCorps VISTA members receive…
Imagining Queer Justice: Screening, Discussion & Panel
4:15-6PM, Friday, 26 April, Russell House Speaker bios courtesy of Wesleying: Ryan Conrad (Prisons Will Not Protect You) is an academic who organizes with Against Equality and will speak about queer critiques of the prison industrial complex and the inequality and violence perpetuated by hate crime legislation. Reina Gossett is a trans activist, artist, and writer. She will speak…
reSET Social Enterprise Design Lab – Info Session Thursday 12-2 p.m. at PCSE
reSET is launching a Social Enterprise Design Lab, and they are looking for Wesleyan students to participate. Students with a business idea or a curiosity about entrepreneurship overall are encouraged to consider this. Participants will get training, networking, and other resources, including possible grant money. Ojala Naeem, Program Assistant at reSET, will be on campus this…
Did You Know? Fact #22.
Have you heard of the new ENGAGE newsletter? The ENGAGE newsletter culls ENGAGE blog posts into an easily digestible weekly email. Currently the ENGAGE blog offers up a daily selection of links that pertain to civic engagement. For those who may be unfamiliar with civic engagement, we like to casually define it as positively interacting…
ENGAGE Link of the Day: The Downsides of Job Hopping, and How to Grow Where You’re Planted
There are many resources online for those of us who want to make the world a better place. The Patricelli Center is constantly on the lookout for links of interest to Wesleyan changemakers. Read ours and share your favorite links in the Comments section below. Today’s ENGAGE Link of the Day is Article- The Downsides…