OCS Student Coordinator Meeting: 12PM Thursday 3/26

Reminder to all current OCS Student Coordinators: there will be a meeting this Thursday at our regular time and place. Aside from our discussion, we’d love to hear feedback on the blog and especially any ideas on potential content contributions. See you then!

Did You Know? Fact #14.

The Service-Learning Center integrates experiences outside the classroom with an academic curriculum taught within the classroom. As one form of experiential education, Service-Learning seeks to broaden students understanding of course content through activities which are, at the same time, of service to the community. Through structured reflection on their service, students are able to test…

Patricelli Center Drop-in Hours

Want to learn about social entrepreneurship and “doing well by doing good”? Do you know about the resources that are available to you through Wesleyan’s Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship? PCSE Interim Director Makaela Kingsley ’98 has drop-in hours Mondays 3-5 p.m. (except 4/15), Thursdays 1-3 p.m. (except 4/18), and by appointment. Stop by, email…

Workshop this Saturday: Leading Change through Social Entrepreneurship

Wesleyan is hosting the National Domincan Student Conference on March 29-31, 2013. The theme of this year’s NDSC is Fighting Injustice and Making Headlines. The Patricelli Center is sponsoring a workshop entitled Leading Change through Social Entrepreneurship, and 5 seats at this workshop have been reserved for Wesleyan students who are not participating in the…

Wesleyan World Wednesdays | Make the World Your Workplace

This Wednesday, March 27th, Wesleyan World Wednesdays, the Wesleyan Career Center, and the OISA Student Advisory Group Present: Make the World Your Workplace, a Discussion with the Wesleyan Career Center. The event will take place from 5PM to 6PM in the Olson Commons (Career Center). Light refreshments will be served. This event is a great…

Did You Know? Fact #13.

The “Did You Know?” Campaign highlights partnerships, connections, and collaborations between Wesleyan and the greater Middletown community. Every Tuesday and Thursday we will post a fact and send it out to WesLive, Middletown Eye, Middletown Patch, Facebook, Twitter, and beyond. This week’s fact highlights a local business with an alumni connection.

Vote for Brighter Dawns

Tasmiha Khan ’12 and Brighter Dawns are finalists for the prestigious Dell Social Innovation Grant. Vote today! http://www.dellchallenge.org/projects/improving-sanitation-slums

Social Entrepreneurship Bootcamp: Business Plan Essentials

The Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship, Wesleyan Alumni in Philanthropy and Public Service (WAPPS), and the Wesleyan Career Center present Social Entrepreneurship Bootcamp: Business Plan Essentials Thursday, March 28, 2013 6-7:30 p.m. Allbritton 004 The first in a series of “Social Entrepreneurship Bootcamp” workshops, this will be a highly-interactive session covering: Developing a business model canvas…

Videos: Guns and Gun Violence Panel, February 6

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013, the Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life presented a panel called “Guns and Gun Violence: Crisis, Policy and Politics.” Panelists were Saul Cornell, Fordham University, History Department; Kristin Goss, Duke University, School of Public Policy and Political Science; and Matthew Miller, Harvard Policy and Management Department. John Dankosky…