Map the System 2022: Student Experiences

Map the System 2022: Aaron Leong’25 and Andrean Alogon’23 Aaron Leong When I was growing up in Malaysia, I would often travel to the city from my home in the suburbs during the weekends. When we passed by construction sites where migrant workers toiled under the scorching sun, people around me would make disparaging remarks,…
Xtramile is Back With a New Schedule
Course Alert: Human Rights and Education
Apply For These Jobs, Fellowships, and Internships!

Spring Semester Opportunities Oddfellows Playhouse Youth Theater is looking for work-study students and volunteers for second semester classes and other programs for local kids. Opportunities include Teaching Assistants for after-school arts classes and Neighborhood Troupes; Admin help in the office; Stage Managers; Shop Coordinator and Costume Shop Coordinator. Contact info@oddfellows.org for more info, or fill…
Davis Projects for Peace (2022-23)

Every year, student leaders from around the world are awarded $10,000 grants to implement a “Project for Peace” over summer break. The program, which was established by international philanthropist Kathryn Wasserman Davis in 2007, is designed to encourage young adults to develop innovative, community-centered, and scalable responses to the world’s most pressing issues. Along the…
❄️Holiday Resource Drive❄️

Holiday Resource Drive Monday, November 28 – Friday, December 2 The Resource Center (167 High Street) This holiday season, the Sustainability Office, in collaboration with The Resource Center, is collecting donations for climate-related disaster resources for Amazing Grace in Middletown. Any extra supplies from your dorm or home would be greatly appreciated! We are looking…