Elections under threat: Perspectives and Prospects

Elections under threat: Perspectives and Prospects

Panel / Conversation: Wesleyan faculty discussing what we might expect to see come election day.

With Wesleyan Faculty:

Robert CassidyJames CavallaroLeslie Gabel-BrettCarla Abdo-KatsipisSteven MooreJustin PeckKevin Vrevich on the presidency, Congress, global context, social movements, race and politics, public opinion, human rights.

Thursday, October 29, 6:30-8:00 EDT
Free and open to the public
Zoom Link: https://wesleyan.zoom.us/j/96777940327


The E2020 Speaker Series brings together community organizers, activists, and changemakers to talk about the 2020 election and movement-building. See the whole lineup here: https://engageduniversity.blogs.wesleyan.edu/2020/08/31/engage-2020-speaker-series/
The E2020 Speaker Series is supported by generous contributions from the Wintman Family Lecture Series Fund.