WesAGE is a Wesleyan student-run program that aims to facilitate relationships and interactions between elderly Middletown residents and Wesleyan students. Through a network of outreach programs, WesAGE allows students and residents to form friendships with social hours, companion programs, social events, on-campus events, and more. Each program takes place at various times. For example, the MacDonough Place Social Hour meets from 3:00-4:00pm every Friday. WesAGE even partners with student performance groups and clubs to host shows and gatherings at varied senior centers; past years have included Quasimodal, Mixolydians, Bridge Club, Breakdancing Club, Full House, Earth House, and many others who have collaborated with WesAGE to create a performance and event. Additionally, every spring WesAGE holds an International Dessert Fair; restaurants from downtown donate food and student groups (mainly cultural groups) perform, bake, or share traditions. WesAGE is an easy and fun way to get to know residents of the Middletown community and facilitates an array of activities that are extremely accessible and always welcome new volunteers! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer on a weekly basis or even just interested in checking out any of the several programs, email elderly@wesleyan.edu!