Jewett Center for Community Partnerships
2012 United Way Day of Caring
Yesterday was our rain date for the United Way Day of Caring, an event that gives citizens the chance to work together on community projects throughout the country. For our projects we drove to Farm Hill Elementary and split into two groups: one to work inside with the kindergartners, and one to paint a map…
Civic Engagement and Re-Accreditation
For the past couple of years, Wesleyan journeyed through a Re-Accreditation process. In my experience, this process has meant that I had to fill out extra paperwork and write several essays on my experiences here, mostly through my major. My professors assured me that although my work would be ungraded, it would indeed be…
Welcome to Engage!
For years, the Office of Community Services and student coordinators of volunteer programs have been engaging Wesleyan students in volunteer and work study opportunities in Middletown, and more recently, abroad. Many amazing things have been accomplished by these coordinators and students. This blog will highlight these accomplishments and further spread the word about community engagement…