News & Features

Money, money, money – Funding Roundup

Are you an aspiring social entrepreneur or changemaker looking for funding or financial support? There are a lot of resources available from numerous organizations, but it can be difficult to know where to look. The following is a round-up of grants, prizes, and fellowships that Patricelli Center team member Rebecca Jacobsen ‘16 has compiled, based off…

Conferences Roundup 2016-2017

There is rarely a dull moment at Wesleyan – especially inside the Allbritton Center – and with so much activity happening right here on campus, it’s easy to overlook opportunities to learn outside of the Wes bubble. Throughout the year and around the world, there are countless conferences, institutes, bootcamps, meetups, and startup weekends focused on social entrepreneurship,…

Greetings from your new Civic Engagement Fellow!

Hello! My name is Rebecca Jacobsen and I’m the new Civic Engagement Fellow for the 2016-2017 school year. I’m taking the place of Jennifer Roach ’14, the most recent in an esteemed list of recent grads to hold this position. You can find me at my desk in the OCS Lounge (room 318) in Allbritton, behind…

Updates from Loam

Loam magazine, founded by Nicole Stanton ’15 and Kate Weiner ’15, launched almost a year ago in July 2015 with the mission of “promoting the work of pioneering individuals and organizations in the realm of sustainability.” Loam is a response to the environmental “doom and gloom” that dominates narratives around multiple and intersecting environmental crisis.…

2015/2016 Advisory Board Members, Peer Advisors, Grant Judges, Mentors, and Presenters: Thank You!

Advisory Board members and Drive Change

Thank you to the following alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends who donated their time and expertise to the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship in 2015/2016. Your involvement has made our programs stronger, and we look forward to continued collaboration! ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERSPhoebe Boyer ’89Carl Byers ’93Sharon Belden CastonguayMarcus Chung ’98 Peter Frank ’12Lexy Funk…

Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship 2015/2016 Year in Review

Part of the mission of Wesleyan is to provide “an education in the liberal arts that is characterized by boldness, rigor, and practical idealism.” Those attributes come to life at the Patricelli Center, where students and alumni find real-world applications for their idealism, hone their skills as entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, and join the legions of trailblazing changemakers…

PCSE Seed Grants in Action: Report #1 from TRAP House

The Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship awards annual seed grants to fund the launch or early stage growth of a Wesleyan-connected social enterprise, project, program, or venture. This year’s winners are Walking Elephants Home, Kindergarten Kickstart, and T.R.A.P. House. Each grantee reports back with blog posts and photos. Here is the first report from the TRAP House team: Bashaun Brown ’18, Irvine Peck’s-Agaya…

Exploring Factors for High School Success in Middletown

Rob Rosenthal teaches a course called the Community Research Seminar, which incorporates theory and a large research project that supports a community initiative. Community partners, such as local nonprofits or agencies, submit proposals for research that would help them do their work more efficiently or effectively. This service-learning course is a unique opportunity to turn…

The Effects of Eviction on People in Middlesex County

Rob Rosenthal teaches a course called the Community Research Seminar, which incorporates theory and a large research project that supports a community initiative. Community partners, such as local nonprofits or agencies, submit proposals for research that would help them do their work more efficiently or effectively. This service-learning course is a unique opportunity to turn…