Wesleyan Summer Experience Grant Information Sessions

The March 4th deadline for the Wesleyan Summer Experience Grant is rapidly approaching, so don’t miss out on these chances to learn more about this amazing opportunity! Wesleyan Summer Experience Grant Information Sessions: Friday, February 7, 2014 Noon-1pm 41 Wyllys Rm 112 Wednesday, February 12 Noon-1pm PAC 004 To find out more about this opportunity,…

PCSE Seed Grant Finalists Announced (public pitches 2/28 at noon)

The Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship is pleased to announce the finalists for the 2014 PCSE Seed Grant Competition. These $5,000 awards are intended to fund the launch or early stage growth of a Wesleyan-connected social enterprise, project, program, or venture. Last year’s winners used the seed funding to launch a grant-funded CSA in Middletown, work…

Information Sessions at the Career Center: Teach in Vietnam, PULSE, and St. Ann’s School

Teachers for Vietnam: TFV is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the teaching of English in Vietnamese colleges and universities. Teachers for Vietnam brings teachers of English as a Second Language (ESL) into classrooms which otherwise would not be exposed to native speakers. Teachers for Vietnam thus enriches the educational and pre-professional development of Vietnamese students.…

Application Deadlines from the Career Center: Public Policy Fellowship, Community Liaison, and Teaching Fellowships

Teaching Fellow, King’s Academy: The King’s Academy Teaching Fellow program exists to train new teachers, offer them an opportunity at actual classroom teaching and all the duties associated with a boarding school, and provide a supportive seminar in which the novice teachers meet with veteran teachers and discuss issues, strategies, techniques, readings, and their writings about…

Design and Communications Internship with Essmart (3/30)

We were recently contacted by Francesca Jones ’12 about an internship with Essmart, a marketplace for life-improving, essential technologies in local retail shops. This unpaid internship would start as soon as possible and has the potential to transition to a paid position. Read more about this opportunity below and apply today! Essmart Description Essmart bridges the…

This Week at the Career Center: Environmental Health Internship, Health Care Justice Fellowship, and Field Manager Positions

Collegiate Leaders in Environmental Health (CLEH) Internship: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Environmental Health and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (NCEH/ATSDR) are offering a paid 10-week summer internship program for students who are passionate about the environment, interested in human health, and curious about how they are linked. During…

Global Health Entrepreneurship Webinar (2/12 at 2pm)

Here’s another invitation from our friends at Unite for Sight, this time for a free webinar on February 12, 2-3pm Eastern Time. If you have an interest in global health, social entrepreneurship, or international development, you might want to check it out. More details are below. Note that preregistration is required by February 10. ********************** Unite…

Post-Wes Journeys (brown bag lunch with Marcus Chung ’98 and Rebecca Knight ’98, 3/24 at 12pm)

The Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship presents Post-Wes Journeys: Marcus Chung ’98 and Rebecca Knight ’98 Monday, March 24 12-1 p.m. PCSE Board Room (Allbritton 022) Bring your lunch and hear Marcus and Rebecca talk about corporate social responsibility, business writing and strategy, forging a path of meaningful work, and generally navigating life after Wesleyan.…