According to the American Cleaning Institute, hand washing with soap is the most effective and inexpensive way to prevent the diarrheal and acute respiratory infections that are responsible for millions of child deaths every single year in developing countries. Global Handwashing Day began on October 15, 2008 as a day to promote hand washing with…
CCP Anniversary Series: Spotlight on Amazing Grace
This week’s CCP anniversary post is focused on the Amazing Grace Food Pantry which is a program of St. Vincent de Paul. The Amazing Grace Good Pantry offers food free of charge to individuals and families by allowing them to shop at the pantry once a month for approximately three days worth of groceries. This…
Leadership Luncheon: Field Organizing in the Greek Community
First Friday Presents: Art-Campus and Community!
Interview Prep Workshop and Venture for America Deadline
Thinking about the next steps after Wesleyan? The Career Center has you covered this week! Don’t forget to log in to MyCC for more employment opportunities as well as information about graduate school and careers. Interview Prep Workshop: Learn the do’s and don’ts of interviewing! (10/1; 6-7p in 41 Wyllys Rm 112) Venture for America:…
Riverfront Clean-Up This Saturday!
The city of Middletown is looking for volunteers to help clean up the riverfront this Saturday from 8:00am to 1:00pm. Grab a friend and head down for however long you can spare! Contact James Sipperly, Environmental Resource Specialist if you are interested in participating. He can be reached at 860-638-3506 or by email at…
Learning by Doing: The Connecticut General Assembly Legislative Internship Program
The Wesleyan Career Center, WesDems, the Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life, and the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship invite you to Learning by Doing: The Connecticut General Assembly Legislative Internship Program Thursday, October 10 12-1 p.m. PCSE Board Room (Allbritton 022) Speakers: Mary Cyriac ’02, Jackson Ulrich ’14, and Steve Marcelynas An…
Food Drive for Amazing Grace Food Pantry!
In conjunction with Dan Froot and Dan Hurlin’s Who’s Hungry performance, we are holding a food drive for the Amazing Grace Food Pantry! This month, Amazing Grace issued a RED ALERT, meaning that they do not have enough food to feed the over 1,000 families that rely on the pantry to put food on their…
PCSE Seed Grants in Action: the third report from Faye Phillips ’13 with Maji Safi in Tanzania
In April 2013, the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship awarded five seed grants to Wesleyan students embarking on high-impact projects around the globe. Each grant recipient is reporting back about his/her work with blog posts and photos. Here’s the third and final report from Faye Phillips ’13, who designed and implemented the Women and Girls Hygiene program for Maji Safi Group, which was…
From Reporting Progress to Improving Progress (a workshop with Wendy Jeffries ’01 and Liz Bliss ’01, 11/8 at 2 p.m.)
The Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship, Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life, Quantitative Analysis Center, and Center for Community Partnerships present Think About Data Before It’s Too Late! or “From Reporting Progress to Improving Progress: How those working on social change initiatives can actually have an impact” Presented by Wendy (Bauman) Jeffries ’01 and…