Traverse Square Tutoring Program’s Annual Carnival Sunday May 5th from 2 – 5 In the courtyard between Hi/Lo Rise and Traverse Square The carnival will include a moon bounce obstacle course, music, face-painting, pizza, bubbles, dancing and so much more!
Job Opportunity // OCS Van Drivers Needed for Next Semester
Want a job with flexible hours for next semester? Have you had a license for at least 3 years and are 20 years of age or older? Want to drive around like a BAMF in a big OCS van? This could be the job for you. Student van drivers are responsible for transporting students to…
Did You Know? Fact #24.
This week’s post details the weekly public observing events at the Van Vleck Observatory. Situated in the middle of Wesleyan’s campus, the Observatory plays host to a variety of astronomy-related events. From the Observatory website: “MONTHLY SATURDAY NIGHT OBSERVING (RUNS ALL YEAR LONG) Organized and hosted by the Astronomical Society of Greater Hartford (ASGH), this…
Job Opportunity // VISTA Program with CT Food Justice
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – VISTA PROGRAM FOCUSED ON FOOD JUSTICE & YOUTH LEADERSHIP! CT Food Justice Youth Corps University of Connecticut Extension, in partnership with some of the most effective and innovative nonprofit organizations in low-income communities in Connecticut, is launching a three year CT Food Justice Youth Corps (CT-FJYC) with five VISTA members in 2013-2014.…
Middletown Potluck! This Sunday at 200 Church
This Sunday, May 5th, join Middletown Potluck at 200 Church for food & new friends. Middletown Potluck is a community collaboration that creates a positive, inclusive space for students and community members to break bread and get to know each other. While prior Potlucks were held at Green Street, this Sunday’s Potluck will be on…
30th Annual Foodshare Walk Against Hunger
On May 5th Wesleyan University students will participating in the Foodshare Walk Against Hunger for their first year. Every $30 provides an entire month’s worth of food for someone in need! So, we’re rallying once again in support of Foodshare and 300 community partners. Please join us on Sunday, May 5th for this incredible tradition. Andshow…
Job Opportunity // UConn Office of Community Outreach
University of Connecticut – Office of Community Outreach (Student Activities) Community Outreach Program Assistant Program Assistant II – UCP IV Position Summary: The University of Connecticut’s Department of Student Activities announces an opening for a full-timeCommunity Outreach Program Assistant II (UCP IV) position. The selected candidate will provide programmatic and administrative support to various initiatives for students,…
Student Entrepreneurs Wanted: ‘Organic Perspectives’
This just in from Anthony Kululu: “Since 2007, our nonprofit ‘Organic Perspectives’ has been helping rural smallholder farmers in Uganda’s deforested remote communities to restore their degraded croplands through agroforestry, fuel-switch to alternative household energy technologies and adopting organic gardening methods. At this point, our goal is to build our own source of internal funding…
Instructional Media Services (IMS): A Sustainable Business Model at Wesleyan, Thursday at noon
Brown Bag Lunch at the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship “Instructional Media Services (IMS): Building a Sustainable Business Model at Wesleyan” Thursday, May 2, 12-1 p.m., Allbritton 022 Wesleyan’s Instructional Media Services (IMS) team provides technology and tech support for classrooms, teaching labs, and special events on campus. Hear from IMS Director Heric Flores-Rueda and IMS Student…
Volunteer Opportunity // Shred!
Just in from Kim O’Rourke: Hi Everybody, We are still looking for a couple more volunteers for our Shred Event this Saturday from 9 – 11 am at the Water and Sewer Department in Middletown. We need help directing cars and unloading boxes. If you know of anyone interested – or high school students looking…