2012 United Way Day of Caring

Yesterday was our rain date for the United Way Day of Caring, an event that gives citizens the chance to work together on community projects throughout the country. For our projects we drove to Farm Hill Elementary and split into two groups: one to work inside with the kindergartners, and one to paint a map…

OCS Photo Contest

We just posted on WesLive, the Wesleyan Community blog, about our new Photo Contest. Submit your photo by liking our Facebook Page and posting it to our wall.

We Made an Internet Friend!

That sounds strange…but it’s true–engage. is partnering with Wesward.org to bring Wesleyan students an all-new level of civic engagement on campus and beyond. We just did a post there today so you can check that out here!

Civic Engagement and Re-Accreditation

  For the past couple of years, Wesleyan journeyed through a Re-Accreditation process. In my experience, this process has meant that I had to fill out extra paperwork and write several essays on my experiences here, mostly through my major. My professors assured me that although my work would be ungraded, it would indeed be…

Social Media —> Engaging the Digital Age

  This past weekend–while I was driving up Route 3–I tuned to one of those standard “lite radio” stations, only to find that the disc jockey was playing a special “On this day in 2006” program. Always a sucker for nostalgia, I left it on. The songs were a bit of a blast from the…

Patch Spotlight on Amazing Grace & St. Vincent de Paul’s

The community blog, Middletown Patch, just released an article entitled, “Stock the Shelves or Make Some Soup,” demonstrating to Middletown residents how to volunteer their time at the Amazing Grace food pantry and St. Vincent de Paul soup kitchen. http://middletown-ct.patch.com/articles/stock-the-shelves-or-make-some-soup-98997251   Making a batch of sweet onion bread pudding at St. Vincent de Paul’s (photo…

Program Spotlight: WesReads/WesMath

It’s summer here at Wesleyan, and although campus may seem like a ghost town from the severe lack of student population, I can assure you that students are, in fact, scattered in buildings across campus working on projects for the upcoming year. Just yesterday I ran into two Student Coordinators, one of whom informed me of…

Program Spotlight: WesAGE

Do you like listening to stories of those who are older and wiser? Looking for  some interaction with people who are not in their late teens to 20-somethings?   If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you should become involved with WesAGE!   I recently sat down with Sofia Warren’ 13, the coordinator of this program to find out more. WesAGE, the…