Student Voices

PCSE Seed Grants in Action: Report #2 from TRAP House

Check out TRAP House’s promotional video. Last time we updated all of the wonderful people connected with the PCSE, the TRAP House team was gearing up to host our entrepreneurial boot camp, where we invited everyone who participated in our Startup Day Competition to a series of workshops in financial planning, legal compliance, and marketing.…

PCSE Seed Grants in Action: Report #2 from Kindergarten Kickstart

Check out Kindergarten Kickstart’s promotional video. It has been a whirlwind of a summer at Kindergarten Kickstart, both in our classrooms at Farm Hill and Bielefield and in the Wesleyan lab. Between expanding our range of academic interventions and increasing our outreach to 32 students, we have really had our hands full! Take a look…

Updates from Loam

Loam magazine, founded by Nicole Stanton ’15 and Kate Weiner ’15, launched almost a year ago in July 2015 with the mission of “promoting the work of pioneering individuals and organizations in the realm of sustainability.” Loam is a response to the environmental “doom and gloom” that dominates narratives around multiple and intersecting environmental crisis.…

PCSE Seed Grants in Action: Report #1 from Walking Elephants Home

The Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship awards annual seed grants to fund the launch or early stage growth of a Wesleyan-connected social enterprise, project, program, or venture. This year’s winners are Walking Elephants Home, Kindergarten Kickstart, and T.R.A.P. House. Each grantee reports back with blog posts and photos. Here is the first report from Rebecca Winkler ’16, writing with updates from Walking Elephants…

PCSE Seed Grants in Action: Report #1 from Kindergarten Kickstart

The Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship awards annual seed grants to fund the launch or early stage growth of a Wesleyan-connected social enterprise, project, program, or venture. This year’s winners are Walking Elephants Home, Kindergarten Kickstart, and T.R.A.P. House. Each grantee reports back with blog posts and photos. Here is the first report from Stephanie Blumenstock ’16, writing with updates from Kindergarten…

Davis Projects for Peace Check-in with Alvin Chitena ’19

This spring, Alvin Chitena ’19 was awarded the Davis Projects for Peace award to launch Zim Code in Zimbabwe. Zim Code provides Zimbabwean youth with free access to resources they need—computers, internet access and instruction—to learn computer programming and how to apply their new skills in their community. Read more here. The Davis Projects for Peace…

Service in Student Forums

The Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life supports the integration of academic study and civic engagement through service-learning courses, the nonprofit board residency program, the collaborative cluster, academic fellowships, and the engaged scholarship of faculty. But this work is happening outside of Allbritton, too! For this post, I collected stories from a few…

Enrichment Grant Report: Abigail Shneyder

Abigail Shneyder was selected to receive an Enrichment Grant from the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship. With this grant, she traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the Radio Preservation Task Force conference. You can read Abigail’s reflection below, read past grantee reflections here, and visit the PCSE website to learn more about all of our grant programs. From February 26-27…

Kai Wes in the Silicon Valley

Over spring break, Kai Wes traveled to Silicon Valley to learn from Wesleyan graduates and entrepreneurs. Leah Cabrera, Olivia Chavez, and Fortune Jackson-Bartelmus wrote a reflection on their trip below:    The Silicon Valley trip exposed us to the reality of the tech scene, one where companies have learned to optimize their employees work ethic and…

Enrichment Grant Report: Trevon Gordon

Trevon Gordon was selected to receive an Enrichment Grant from the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship. With this grant, he participated in a mission trip to Ghana to install a solar power business. You can read Trevor’s reflection below, read past grantee reflections here, and visit the PCSE website to learn more about all of our grant programs.   The entire Saha…