Cardinal Internship: News Literacy Project (NYC, Chicago, D.C.; 5/21)

The News Literacy Project is seeking several interns interns in New York City, Chicago and the Washington, D.C. area, for the summer and fall semesters. The summer internship term will be late May – mid August 2014. The fall internships will begin in mid-September and will extend throughout the semester. Hours will be flexible and largely accommodate the intern’s schedule. The…

Become a Health Policy Fellow with Dartmouth College (6/1)

The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice (TDI) is a dynamic force within Dartmouth College dedicated to improving health care. TDI’s Health Policy Fellows program fosters the development of the next generation of leaders in the field of US health care and health policy. TDI is seeking Health Policy Fellows who will join…

Cardinal Internship: Northern Virginia Capital Defender Office (5/22)

Here is a new Cardinal Internship brought to us by Ed Ungvarsky ’90 and Jim Kubat. Undergrads and graduating seniors can apply.  The program starts May 27, so interested students should apply as soon as possible. The Northern Virginia Capital Defender Office represents men and women who are charged with capital murder and are facing the possibility…

Work with reSET as a Program Manager

reSET (Social Enterprise Trust) is working to promote, preserve and protect Social Enterprise and to make Connecticut a hub of social enterprise. A Social Enterprise is any organization that uses business models to solve community problems. It’s a new hybrid business type that recognizes the power of business harnessed to purpose before profit. reSET is a growing…

Narativ 2014 Internship in NYC

In NYC for the summer, but still looking for a part-time gig? Check out this internship with Narativ! Narativ seeks an intern to focus on business administration, research and marketing tasks to work 8 to 16 hours / week beginning as soon as they are available. We are looking for people with the following characteristics: • Self-starter:…

SOCAP Health (6/24-25 in NYC)

SOCAP (Social Capital Markets) is a multi-platform organization dedicated to the flow of capital towards social good. Their event series connects innovators worldwide – investors, foundations, institutions and social entrepreneurs – to build a market at the intersection of money and meaning. SOCAP Health — a cross-sector view into what creates health in our society,…

Wesleyan’s Reunion and Commencement Civic Engagement Events

Reunion & Commencement 2014 begins on Thursday, and we’d like to call your attention to some PCSE, CCP, and other civic engagement events that are taking place this weekend. All are excellent opportunities to meet alumni, network, and learn about the paths Wesleyan students take after graduation. Please join us — and share your experiences on Twitter using @Wes_engage…