OCS Coordinator Profiles: WesBuds

Sela Adegbile ’22 Majors: Psychology and African American Studies I run Wesbuds with Destinee Castillo. We partner with a school on Wesleyan’s campus, Middlesex Transitional Academy (MTA) which serves college students with intellectual or developmental disabilities. They go to this school to transition out of high school and practice working and social skills, which is…

IEW 2021: So You Want to Change the World? Do This First.

  So You Want to Change the World? Do This First. November 17 4:30 pm – 5:15 pm | Zoom Link   Hosted by the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship Many Wesleyan students have social and environmental issues that they care about. Some will take action to address these problems through grassroots organizing, activism, fundraising, and…

OCS Coordinator Profiles: WesReads and WesMath

Hannah Gearan ‘22: Film Studies and Environmental Studies Major with a Writing Certificate I co-coordinate WesReads and WesMath, which allows students to work in K-5 classrooms at Macdonough and Farm Hill elementary schools to help with Math and Reading. We require Wesleyan students complete at least one shift a week, where we provide help with…

Trauma Awareness for Wesleyan Tutors and Mentors

Trauma Awareness: an event for Wesleyan students who are involved in community service that works with young people through tutoring or mentoring Working with children and youth can be delightful, but it can also be confusing. Why do children do the things they do? How we respond to children often depends on our intuitions about…

Environmental Justice Series: A Work in Progress

Join the Wesleyan Sustainability Office and Resource Center for the first discussion in a series on environmental justice. Panelists include: Jen Kleindienst (Sustainability Office) Demetrius Colvin (Resource Center) Greg Genco (Generation Conscious) 11/02, 7:00-8:00 pm, virtual https://wesleyan.zoom.us/j/95027662425?pwd=S3drTWJPTXZWVlN4dVdYTEhmVnBQZz09 Meeting ID: 950 2766 2425 Passcode: 301035

DataHaven: Empowering People to create Thriving Communities through Data

This Community Impact Residency Speaker Series event will feature Mark Abraham from DataHaven. Mark will talk about DataHaven’s model, their state-wide Community Wellbeing data, and will show participants how to access and utilize this data for their community engagement work. Members of the Wesleyan and greater Middletown communities are invited to participate in this event. …

MidWes Faculty Fund

The MidWes Faculty Fund supports faculty-led initiatives and projects that benefit PreK-12 students, adult learners, or local educators in the greater Middletown area.  The MidWes Collaborative is a partnership between the Jewett Center, the College of Education Studies, and Middletown Public Schools. The goal of the Collaborative is to leverage Wesleyan’s resources, including interdisciplinary scholarship…

Reflective Practice 201 for Wesleyan Tutors and Mentors

Reflective Practice 201 : an event for Wesleyan students who are involved in community service that works with young people through tutoring or mentoring Reflective Practice is the ongoing reflection on teaching practices that allows us to become more skilled and capable teachers. It is a self-reflexive inquiry. Reflective practice can be aimed at individual…

The Barbizon: The Hotel That Set Women Free with Paulina Bren

The History Department, Feminist Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, and the Allbritton Center presents: The Barbizon: The Hotel That Set Women Free featuring Paulina Bren, Wesleyan alumna and professor at Vassar College October 14, 4:30pm Allbritton 311, 222 Church Street, Middletown, CT 06459