Enrichment Grant Report: Katherine Lu ’15

Katherine Lu ’15 was selected to receive an Enrichment Grant from the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship to help support her community development work in Brazil. You can read Katherine’s story below, and visit the PCSE website to learn more about our grant programs. ********************************************** This summer I pursued an opportunity that aligns with my interests in volunteer work,…

Gilbert Clee Scholarship Information Session (10/15)

Here’s some useful information for the Class of 2016 from Brent Packer ’15, the 2014 Clee Scholar, Wishing Well co-founder, and PCSE Peer Advisor: I’m delighted to share with you an incredible opportunity. Arguably the best business scholarship in the world, and it’s only available to Wesleyan juniors. The Gilbert Clee Scholarship was established to continue…

The Samuel Huntington Public Service Award

What would you do with $15,000? If you’re a graduating senior with big ideas and an interest in public service, apply for the Samuel Huntington Public Service Award to fund your year-long project: The Samuel Huntington Public Service Award provides a $15,000 stipend for a graduating college senior to pursue one year of public service…

Participate in a Human-Centered Design MOOC with others at Wesleyan (10/14-12/9)

Human-centered design a.k.a. design thinking is a methodology “in which the needs, wants, and limitations of end users of a product, service or process are given extensive attention at each stage of the design process” (Wikipedia). Here at ENGAGE, we attempt to design our programs with constituents or end-users in mind, and we strive to be cognizant…

Financial Intern at Artists for World Peace

The Middletown-based non-profit Artists for World Peace is looking for a Wesleyan student to assist with the organization of the financial side of their American-Tanzanian operation. The intern will work in the DeKoven House in downtown Middletown with founder and executive director Wendy Black-Nasta and her colleague Michele. Knowledge of Excel, economics, and bookkeeping would be helpful, and…

“The Double Edged Sword of Start-Up Weekends” by Mika Reyes ’17

PCSE Peer Advisor Mika Reyes ’17 was one of several Wesleyan students who attended Startup Weekend Hartford: Education last month. She shared her reflections on Huffington Post’s “The Blog.” It is re-posted below, and you can read the original here. “The Double Edged Sword of Start-Up Weekends” by Mika Reyes ’17 After recently joining my first Start-Up…

Pride Month at Wesleyan

Celebrate Pride Month with the Wesleyan community! There will be queer-related events throughout the week, and faculty and staff are also welcome to attend the reception for queer colleagues on Wednesday, October 22 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.

Work-Study Positions at Local Non-Profits

Three non-profit organizations in Middletown are looking for Wesleyan students to assist with their programs as work-study students through the Office of Community Service. These are excellent opportunities to get involved in the community and gain professional experience while also earning work-study funds. Visit the OCS site for more information on the application process. Social Media / Administrative…

Alumni drop-in appointments at the Patricelli Center (starting October 6)

Working on a project and need a sounding board or mentor? Have an idea but don’t know where to begin? Want to practice your networking skills? Or just curious about life after Wesleyan? These Wesleyan alumni want to meet with you, hear about your work or aspirations, and share advice based on their experiences as…

SOCAP14 Recap from Hannah Lewis ’13 and Oladoyin Oladapo ’14

In July, the Patricelli Center announced that – through the generosity of Tim Freundlich ’90 and Bob Miller P’99 P’02 – Hannah Lewis ’12 and Oladoyin Oladapo ’14 were awarded SOCAP14 scholarships. Earlier this month, Hannah and Oladoyin attended the Social Capital Markets conference in San Francisco. You can read their reflections below and watch highlights from SOCAP on YouTube. FROM HANNAH So,…