Tag Archive for social justice
The Allbritton Spotlight: Julia Morrison
The Allbritton Spotlight is a Q&A series highlighting students engaged in the local community through the Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life, the Center for Community Partnerships, and the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship. These students dedicate their time to a diversity of projects from tutoring middle school students to advocating for sexual…
Rotary Club Food Packaging Event!

This gallery contains 19 photos →
1 Year Out: Anya Morgan

1 Year Out is an interview series highlighting alumni from the class of 2014 who are engaged in public service, entrepreneurship, or nonprofit work in any capacity- through their employment, a volunteer position, or on the side. So tell me about your life 1 Year Out of Wesleyan! I’m a rising 2L at UT Law.…
Regional and National Drug Policy
The third and final panel discussion in the “Drugs, Harm and the Campus” series: About the panelists: Ethan Nadelmann is the founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, the leading organization in the United States that promotes alternatives to the war on drugs. Nadelmann is widely regarded as the outstanding proponent of drug policy…
Leaders Wanted: Apply to be an OCS Student Coordinator!
Update: We have extended the deadline for several coordinator positions until Friday, April 24. Check the updated list below! Several of the student coordinators in the Office of Community Service will be graduating this May, and while we’re very sad to see them go, it’s exciting to welcome new leaders into the fold! If you’re an…
Reproductive Rights Activist Service Corps – Paid Summer Internship
The Reproductive Rights Activist Service Corps (RRASC) is a 10-week paid summer internship program sponsored by the Civil Liberties and Public Policy Program at Hampshire College. Undergraduate students intern at reproductive rights and social justice organizations around the country. Organizations work on a wide array of issues from reproductive health, economic justice, immigrant rights, rights of indigenous…
Social Justice in Action: Making Your Everyday Choices Count (11/8)
Reunion & Commencement 2014: “What Will You Do With and In Your Time?”
As campus empties out and tents come down, we at ENGAGE want to take a moment to reflect on what was an inspiring weekend. We celebrated WESU‘s 75th Anniversary with a WESeminar that detailed the history of community radio at Wesleyan. WESU General Manager Ben Michael and University Archivist Leith Johnson shared fascinating stories from…
This Week at the Career Center: Environmental Health Internship, Health Care Justice Fellowship, and Field Manager Positions
Collegiate Leaders in Environmental Health (CLEH) Internship: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Environmental Health and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (NCEH/ATSDR) are offering a paid 10-week summer internship program for students who are passionate about the environment, interested in human health, and curious about how they are linked. During…