
Good Trouble: A New Generation Engages A New Political Season

Bryan Chong speaks behind a podium that says "Governor, State of Connecticut." Attorney General William Tong stands behind Bryan.

This E2020 event featured a panel of young organizers and agents of political change (Bryan Chong `21, Simon Gaughan ’22, grassroots organizer Eva Bermúdez Zimmerman, activist and campaign staffer Hillary Desideraggio, and New Haven activists Devin Avshalom-Smith and Jeremy Cajigas) who shared reflections on their work and thoughts on how to galvanize young people and…

Relief packages for those in need during Ramadan

From Hira Jafri BA’13 MA’14: As a result of crowdsourced efforts, youth members from our mosque have launched an initiative to help support the community during this time. We will distribute packages to provide temporary assistance to those in need, in-light of the COVID-19 pandemic and incoming month of Ramadan. The goal is to support at least…

2020 Elections, Grassroots Organizing, and Criminal Justice Reform

Join local organizers for a panel discussion on 2020 Elections, Grassroots Organizing, and Criminal Justice Reform. The discussion will be moderated by Jesse Nasta, Visiting Assistant Professor of African American Studies. Panelists Lorenzo Jones, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director at the Katal Center for Healthy, Equity, and Justice Rev. Maurice Winley, Executive Director of Living Redemption…

Song From the Uproar, a Student-Run Opera

Lisa Stein ’21 and her production team of undergraduate and graduate students have a goal to make opera more accessible and relatable to Wesleyan students and Middletown residents, especially local teenagers. Song from the Uproar was written in 2012 by Missy Mazzoli and Voyce Vavrek and shares the true story of Isabelle Eberhardt (1877-1904). After…

Liberty and the Nation: The State of Liberalism in Today’s Nationalist Revival

Liberty and the Nation: The State of Liberalism in Today’s Nationalist Revival with Kai Weiss Nationalist ideas are on the rise again in today’s world. President Donald Trump called himself a “nationalist,” and prominent thinkers around the West, from TV host Tucker Carlson to intellectuals like Yoram Hazony, have embraced the idea of the importance…

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) 101 for Wesleyan Tutors + Mentors

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) 101 : an event for Wesleyan students who are involved in community service that works with young people through tutoring or mentoring   Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others,…

The Fault Lines of Evangelicalism: Donald Trump, Christianity Today, and the History of a Movement

The Fault Lines of Evangelicalism: Donald Trump, Christianity Today, and the History of a Movement with Chamberlain Fellow Joseph P. Slaughter   Every election cycle evangelicals are an influential group to be reckoned with for journalists, pundits, politicians, and political strategists. Under President Donald J. Trump, their political power is reflected by increased White House access, and…

Wesleyan now accepting applications for E2020 Spring Break funding support

Applications are now open for E2020 Spring Break funding support. See below for more information on E2020 and how to apply:  Wesleyan Engage 2020 The Wesleyan Engage 2020 (E2020) initiative is a comprehensive university effort to support student learning via civic engagement and liberal arts education. E2020 is open to and encourages participation regardless of…

PREP Center Clothing Drive

The Pursuing Re-Entry and Employment Possibilities (PREP) Center is a program that operates out of the office of the North End Action Team, a community power building nonprofit on Main Street. The PREP Center is run by Wesleyan volunteers and is meant to provide career mentorship for formerly incarcerated Middletown residents, as well as fill…

Wesleyan Book Buds Bake Sale and Book Drive

Wesleyan Book Buds is an Office of Community Service Student Group. They started as an Innovation Fund grantee in Spring 2019 and collected and donated 255 books to Macdonough Elementary School, Woodrow Wilson Middle School, the Book Mobile project, and the Cross Street Church After School Tutoring Program.   The Wesleyan Book Buds is planning…