Kennedy Odede ’12 is one of Africa’s best- known community organizers and social entrepreneurs. Kennedy lived for twenty- three of his thirty years in the Kibera Slum, the largest slum in Africa, where he experienced the devastating realities of life in extreme poverty first hand. Still, he dreamed about changing his community. He saved 20…
Spring ’16 Service Learning Courses

There are many great opportunities to engage in public life and service through your academics at Wesleyan. Here are a few courses that still have openings available for this spring, including the service-learning classes in early childhood education and architecture, and a quarter-credit class taught by Patricelli Center director Makaela Kingsley. Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship CSPL 262, Kingsley,Makaela…
Astronomy in Action

Professor Meredith Hughes taught a service-learning course this fall called Seminar on Astronomical Pedagogy. Course participants studied methods for effectively teaching astronomy to elementary school students. Their semester-long project was to design and present their own presentation using Wesleyan’s portable Starlab planetarium at a local elementary school. I interviewed Hannah Fritze ‘18, Jesse Shanahan MA…
Indigenous Middletown: Settler Colonial and Wangunk Tribal History

Wesleyan University hosted a community-wide event, “Indigenous Middletown: Settler Colonial and Wangunk Tribal History,” on Saturday, December 5, 2015 from 10am-12pm.Professor J. Kehaulani Kauanui organized the panel, which included: Lucianne Lavin, Ph.D. – Director of Research and Collections at the Institute for American Indian Studies and author of Connecticut’s Indigenous Peoples Timothy Ives, Ph.D. – Principal archaeologist…
The Student Training for Environmental Protection- Spring Break in Appalachia!

March, 6th through March 12th, 2016- Doddridge County, West Virginia Since 2009, the Student Training for Environmental Protection (STEP) has offered students and young people exciting, fun, and important training opportunities. In 2016, for the first time ever, we’re taking STEP to central Appalachia for Spring Break! Wesleyan students interested in this opportunity should email Jennifer Roach,…
Anna Shusterman Named Finalist for the Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award

Each year, Campus Compact selects a senior faculty member from one of its member institutions for the Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award. The award honors a professor who has produced high-quality academic work that is grounded in deep community engagement, demonstrated leadership within their university, and created lasting impact for the public good. This year…
OCS Ice Cream Party and Fall Allbritton Luncheon
Campus is very quiet over the summer, with just the maneuverings of summer classes and the occasional burst of noise from a middle school summer camp to keep us company. I started my position as the Civic Engagement Fellow in June, at the beginning of the calmest time of year on campus. After a few months…
Fall Course Openings: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship, Decolonizing Indigenous Middletown, Money and Social Change, and Collaborative Cluster

There are many great opportunities to engage in public life and service through your academics at Wesleyan. Here are a few courses that still have openings available for this fall, including the Collaborative Cluster, service-learning classes, and a quarter-credit class taught by Patricelli Center director Makaela Kingsley. Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship (.25-credit, second quarter) CSPL 262, Makaela Kingsley…
Girls in Science Camp Reflection – Draw a Scientist Revelation:
The following post is shared from Green Street Teaching and Learning Center, by Stacy Uchendu ’17 We had three amazing college students work with us to deliver the Girls in Science Camp at Green Street and serve as role models for the campers. This year, those young women were Stacy Uchendu ’17, Anna Redgrave…
Greetings from Behind the Bookshelf!

My name is Jennifer Roach, and I just started my year as the Civic Engagement Fellow at Wesleyan. I am taking the place of the wonderful Rosy Capron ’14 in her office behind the bookshelf in Allbritton 318. This year I will be working with the Center for Community Partnerships, the Allbritton Center for the…