This gallery contains 19 photos →
This gallery contains 19 photos →
This gallery contains 19 photos →
Campus is very quiet over the summer, with just the maneuverings of summer classes and the occasional burst of noise from a middle school summer camp to keep us company. I started my position as the Civic Engagement Fellow in June, at the beginning of the calmest time of year on campus. After a few months…
Update: We have extended the deadline for several coordinator positions until Friday, April 24. Check the updated list below! Several of the student coordinators in the Office of Community Service will be graduating this May, and while we’re very sad to see them go, it’s exciting to welcome new leaders into the fold! If you’re an…
Work for Wesleyan’s Center for Community Partnerships and support the various parts of CCP — WESU, Center for Prison Education, Green Street Teaching and Learning Center and OCS — by developing content pieces (e.g. blog posts featuring programs or students, Q&A’s with community partners, newsletters), flyers for events, social media and other promotional materials, and by researching how…
We’re proud to share this interview with WesReads/WesMath coordinator Angela Yoo ’15! From Olivia Drake: Q: Angela, where are you from and why did you choose Wesleyan to further your education? A: I am from Nanuet, New York but I went to a boarding school called Phillips Exeter Academy. I chose Wesleyan because I was intrigued by how…
Looking to make some extra money this spring? Green Street Arts Center and PIMMS has an opportunity for motivated students! Check out the details below for more information: Green Street Front Desk – Student Assistance Needed for Spring 2014 We are looking for several students who could cover our front desk this spring. Mondays –…
Looking ahead for a job in the spring semester? The Office of Community Service is looking for van drivers! If you are 2o or older, hold a valid U.S. license and have more than two years of driving experience, you are eligible to be an OCS van driver! If you are interested in this opportunity, please…
Reminder to all current OCS Student Coordinators: there will be a meeting this Thursday at our regular time and place. Aside from our discussion, we’d love to hear feedback on the blog and especially any ideas on potential content contributions. See you then!