The Wesleyan Argus seeks a Fundraising Manager, see their post below: Hey there! Are you interested in marketing/advertising/fundraising? Want to get paid and also get some free food? Come join the Argus staff as our fundraising manager! We’re looking for someone who has: • Initiative! This job requires proactively reaching out to potential advertisers and…
Spring 2020 Courses in Civic Engagement, Social Change, and the Study of Public Life

Looking for interdisciplinary classes that think outside the box? Want to go beyond theory and understand how academic concepts apply in real-world settings? Take a class with the Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life, the Civic Engagement Certificate, or Service Learning! You can see all CSPL courses here, and you can check out all Service Learning…
Civic Engagement Certificate Lunch – Fall 2019

Civic engagement encompasses a wide range of activities in which individuals work to strengthen their communities, to realize common goods, to enhance the capacities and dispositions necessary for democratic self-rule, and in general to deliberately shape their common life. Wesleyan University prides itself on enrolling and nurturing students with strong social consciousness. Students participate in…
Support High School Students at FAFSA Day
O.H. Platt High School in Meriden is hosting a FAFSA Day CT event on Saturday, November 23rd from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the Media Center. This is a statewide initiative that supports students and families with completing the FAFSA. They are looking for volunteers to attend and support students and families that day.…
Join the Middletown Community Thanksgiving Project

Join the Wesleyan University community, along with dozens of community members, organizations, businesses and institutions, in making sure local families have a great Thanksgiving meal. Together, we gather the supplies to fill food baskets for about 1000 local families. Get Involved! Donate stuffing or gravy from now until November 21st. Drop off at the Jewett…
Buttonwood Tree Seeks Outreach/Events Assistant

The Buttonwood Tree is seeking a federal work-study student to be an Outreach/Events Assistant. Read their job description below: The Buttonwood Tree is a nonprofit arts organization within walking distance to Wesleyan, next to It’s Only Natural market. We were started by a Wesleyan alumna in 1989 as a grass-routes community Arts space and are…
WESEMINAR The Liberal Arts Behind Prison Walls: Learning with the Center for Prison Education

WESEMINAR The Liberal Arts Behind Prison Walls: Learning with the Center for Prison Education Learn about the Center for Prison Education – an academic program where Wesleyan faculty teach credited courses at two CT correctional facilities. You will hear from a faculty member, an undergraduate student, and a released student about their experiences supporting, teaching…
Meet Daniel McGloin, the CPE’s new Academic Development and Planning Manager

The Jewett Center for Community Partnerships is excited to announce that Daniel McGloin will serve as the Center for Prison Education’s new Academic Development and Planning Manager. In spring 2018, Daniel joined the Center for Prison Education team as the Program Coordinator. This Q&A provides an opportunity for us to learn more about Daniel and…
Teaching Assistant needed for Oddfellows Neighborhood-based Troupe

Oddfellows Playhouse Youth Theater is a local nonprofit community-based, multicultural theater program designed to include children from all backgrounds. They have an opening for a Teaching Assistant for their new Neighborhood-based Troupe at Maplewood Terrace, which meets Fridays, 4:30 – 6 pm. From Dic Wheeler ’81: Teaching Assistant needed immediately for Oddfellows’ new theater/spoken…
This week’s Human Rights Talks

Join the Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life for a lunchtime talk with experts in the field of Human Rights. Human Rights Advocacy in the Trump Era Jamil Dakwar Tuesday, October 29. 12.00-1.00, PAC 002. Pizza lunch will be provided. Since 2017, the Trump Administration has demonstrated utter disregard for human rights, and…